Molly is Here to Help Introduce Her Favorite Charity

Molly is Here to Help Introduce Her Favorite Charity

Tanner's Friend Molly Enjoys Her Pool

Most people I know complain about the amount of email they get each day. I have to admit something. I get excited about reading mine. Reading my email lately has become my favorite part of the day, second only to checking my posts each morning. Why? I'll give you an example.

Today I received a nice note from one of Tanner's doggie daycare friends, Molly, a chocolate lab. They met at Bow Wow Resort, and have become good buddies. Molly's mom sent the two photos in this post. Molly loves her pool as much as Tanner. Maybe we should get them together for a swimming play date.

Even more exciting, Molly's mom wanted to tell me about in our area which helps provide pet food and other items (leashes, collars, etc.) to families in need. The goal is to help the family keep their dog during tough economic times, rather than having to give up their dog to feed their family. Great concept, huh?!!!

I've requested an interview with the people who started the project, and will bring you more information in an upcoming post. This is just a heads up from Molly and me. Clean out your drawers and pet food closets. Anything you have that isn't needed will be useful to the pantry. They have many drop off locations in the area, and I'll bring you a list of these soon. For now, just collect your pet items that are no longer needed and I'll get back to you with where to drop them off.

Molly Enjoys Swimming
with Two Balls at a Time

Hint: Even extra tennis balls or Frisbees (don't we all have extra ones in the garage?) would be welcome. There are probably lots of dogs who would love to play fetch, if they only had a ball or Frisbee. Wouldn't it make you feel good to give a family a great dog toy. There's nothing like a ball to make a dog AND the kids happy.

Oliver and I ( he climbed right into the doggie drawer!) cleaned out our stuff and came up with a collar (Xena grew out of it), a leash (used, but still useful), tug toys (I make them, so they're free. Check out my post of this at the link and the photo below), 2 funky shaped Kong toys, a couple of balls, a store-bought tug toy that didn't go over big with my guys, a dog training DVD, and a bottle of bitter apple spray. Not bad for starters. It feels good to help another dog. Hope you can too. Check back for pickup locations, or see their site at the link above.

Me and my pack wish you and yours a happy Memorial Day. We'll be out at our local dog park, playing fetch, Frisbee and doing a little pile collecting. Hope to see you there!

If you are new to dog parks, check out my 3-part series on visiting the dog park at Central Florida Green Guide. The links to each post are at the bottom of the blog. Just scroll down. You can't miss them.

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