3 Winners Demonstrate Love of Rallyin

3 Winners Demonstrate Love of Rallyin

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Rallyin.com
Stunt Puppy Leash
I am so proud of you guys for stepping out of your comfort zone this past two weeks with Rallyin.com. I know this is a new concept and a very different sort of review for All Things Dog Blog, but you showed me that you're open to trying new applications and exploring the possibilities. Bravo!

courtesy Rallyin.com
Puppy Crack
The folks over at Rallyin are excited to see all the activity and new reviews. Thank you to those of you who participated in posting--awesome! We were all glad to see  reviews by our readers like Gizmo Geodog, Oz the Terrier, and Vlad and Barklys Dee ( I hope I didn't totally butcher this name; sorry!). As Rally moves closer to coming out of BETA, many changes will be noted and some will have come from your ideas. Our sincere appreciation for your comments both on the site and via my email.

Rallyin and All Things Dog Blog hope that you will join us for our #PetBrandChat on Wednesday, April 10 at 1 PM ET. You will have an opportunity to ask your questions and explore Rallyin further. This event will be more tame than our Twitter Parties, so you won't need to be in high gear. You can brown bag your lunch and join us right from your desk or comfy chair.

Please do check out our prize sponsors at their websites below, or visit them at their social media sites:

Fugly Friends on Facebook
Puppy Crack on Facebook and Twitter
Rallyin on Facebook and Twitter
Stunt Puppy on Facebook and Twitter
courtesy Fugly Friends
Fugly Friends

Now it's time to announce the names of the winners of the Rallyin WOOF Pack prizes. Each of these winners will receive a Fugly Friends dog toy, a bag of Puppy Crack dog treats and a Stunt Puppy leash, an $80 value. Your prizes will be shipped to you direct from Rallyin. Our winners are H. Panjon, C. Roberts, and A. Zimmerman.

Watch for my email from [email protected]. If you don't receive an email notifying you of your win by this evening, please write to me at the above email address, or check your spam file. 

Happy tails,

Follow Me on Pinterest
All Things Dog Blog has reviewed Rallyin's website and run this giveaway at no charge to Rallyin.com. The opinions expressed are our own. 

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