How Can a Dog Blog be Memetastic?
by Carrie Boyko, CEBMaybe a better question is "What is a Memetastic Award?" (I have no clue either--something about cultural)
I must have awoken at the Academy Awards today. I signed on, decided to hit Twitter first, and viola'; I received an award! Quickly I ran to tell the boys (the woofing ones) to put on their Black Tie wear. We need a speech. I have to thank all relevant supporters. Oh my; the stress of a red carpet moment. What will I wear? How's this?
© A. Boyko Will This Outfit Work? |
Now that I've gotten myself all gussied up for the acceptance speech, I've read the rules and regulations passed on to me by AJ, of Pup Love--my predecessor in this funky award business. Thank you to AJ for gracing me with this award. Thanks also to Kristine of Rescued Insanity who bestowed the award on AJ.
I guess I've earned myself a badge for my sidebar--cute, huh? According to tradition, it seems I'm supposed to share 5 facts about myself, and then pass along the award to five new blogger friends. More pressure. How will I choose just 5 bloggers? I'll think about that tomorrow. Today I'll work on the 5 facts:
#1: I love water. It's probably the primary reason I've had 2 Retrievers; they like water too and we enjoy swimming together. I've enjoyed a few other water sports throughout my lifetime: diving, sailing, snorkeling, and water skiing. Not your usual 2-ski sort, but rather extreme. My favorite is 2nd tier on a pyramid, and swivel skiing is a fun challenge too. Don't ask. It's too difficult to explain without pictures. Maybe these will help a bit:
© A. Boyko Nah; I'm Not in this One My Kids Are on Top |
© A. Boyko I'm the Tall One! |
#2: I got into writing by way of an odd path. Hubby and I started a children's book distributorship that grew quickly and did well. Along the way I learned a bit about publishing. After we sold it, I started freelance writing. The genesis of my Internet career wasn't until 2008 when I became an empty nester. Oops! Did I just admit my age? I was lying; I'm only 29, er 39...something like that.
#3: A lanky 5' 10", I grew up sewing many of my own clothes out of necessity. I still enjoy crafts and anything creative. I think the blog is beginning to take the place of painting and sewing, but that's okay. Photography is also growing on me. Tanner and Oliver are very willing and cooperative subjects.
#4: I'm a cancer survivor and I have M.S. There; I said it. Not much more to it. I have a mild case of M.S. that doesn't interfere terribly with my lifestyle--just an occasional flare up that might set me back a few days. I'm very lucky and like to count those blessings every chance I get.
#5: My favorite book ever is The Hundred Year Lie, by investigative journalist, Randall Fitzgerald. His extremely compelling book shares the history of how we have come to pollute the Earth. I read the book after my cancer diagnosis, and got a great deal of insight into how I ended up in that predicament. Now I've changed course and live a greener, organic-eating, hybrid-driving lifestyle--more sustainable. I may not change the world, but it feels a little like I'm doing something to leave a better one behind for my grandkids--the ones I'd really like to be around to see, if I ever have any.
Tanner and Oliver were clearly quite excited about the whole affair of us winning an award, even though we're not sure how to pronounce it. Tanner's cummerbund fell off before he hit the red carpet, but still I think they look quite dapper in their formal bow ties. Classic black even works for dogs; who'd of thunk? What do you think?
© Carrie Boyko Tanner and Oliver Walk the Red Carpet |
Now I suppose I have to hand off the baton. I'll skip the acceptance speech. I have butterflies in my stomach and have to get off this stage. It was not my intention to purge quite as much as a I did up there, but it's done now, so let's get on with the new winners.
Tanner and Oliver took my nominations and made their selections. Boys?, "The envelope please"....
**In the 'Miscellaneous Pet Lovers' category, the winner is Catch up with Kate, with whom I hope to catch up with more in the near future.**Moving to the 'Pet Safety' category, our winner is Dawn Ross of Pet Auto Safety, whose blog has much potential in a very important area of pet ownership.
**In the ever-important 'Pet Fashion' category, Oliver and Tanner have deferred to me (they are boys, after all) to select the winner: Erika Lundquist of Sew Doggy Style has captivated me with her adorable designs.
**In the category of 'Rookie Bloggers', the winner is Lizzi Glavin, of 20 Something Saver, who will be introducing a regular feature on saving money for your dog very soon. This brand spanking new blogger is just out of the gates, so be sure to stop by and give her some moral support. Remember what it was like when you were first starting out? Pay it forward, folks!
**Finally, in the 'I Have No Clue' category (me, not the blogger!) I have to give this award to Alexis, AKA Mom, whose very creative blog, Running Away? I'll Help You Pack, has me mesmerized.
Now come the thank yous that wrap up every award speech. I want to thank my whole family for their loyal and unconditional love and support of my treat-baking, picture-taking, post-writing, dog-walking, dog-parking, and endlessly bow wow lifestyle. May it never end.
A Duet Of Versatile Blogger Awards
by Carrie Boyko, CEB All I can say is that I must be incredibly versatile. I've received this award twice is the past couple of weeks and have managed to be so versatile as to not yet respond. Today is the day. Thank you to The Elka Almanac...
The Versatile Blogger:an Award For Me?
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Today I had a surprise package come wrapped up in the unlikely form of a blog comment. And not just any blog comment. This one included an award from a 'mom blogger.' Despite myself, I giggled. After all, I'm a mom. Just...
A Dog Walking Support Group:join Us!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Lessons from 4 Legs Need Motivation? I Found a Dog Walk Support Group!Just when I think I've seen everything, I find something so incredibly creative that I have to share it with you guys this very minute! What's...
A Stylish Dog Blog? Or Dejavu?
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Whew! I just finished walking the red carpet with Tanner and Oliver. We thought we could kick back and relax. Not this week. Suddenly we're stylish. It's de ja vous! Recipients of the Stylish Blogger Award have 2 responsibilities:Share...
Which Fido Wins The Treat Bag Prize For The Halloween Photo Contest?
by Carrie Boyko, CEB (c) Carrie Boyko Angels, If Only for a Moment! Tanner and Oliver are taking Halloween a bit solemnly this year. In honor of their girl, Xena, they're dressed as angels. We opted to skip the halos, since these boys have...