Which Fido Wins the Treat Bag Prize for the Halloween Photo Contest?

Which Fido Wins the Treat Bag Prize for the Halloween Photo Contest?

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
(c) Carrie Boyko
Angels, If Only for a Moment!

Tanner and Oliver are taking Halloween a bit solemnly this year. In honor of their girl, Xena, they're dressed as angels. We opted to skip the halos, since these boys have a ways to go to earn them, just like mosts young, spirited dog. Maybe another time.

It seems that our sad event may have dampened the spirits of my readers as fewer entries have come in for the photo contest than last year. Nevertheless, the show must go on, and the judge has submitted a winner.

Before I award the winner, I just want to remind you that the Woof and Meow series is still in full swing. Tomorrow's post will give you all the scoop on World's Best Cat Litter and the Litter-Robot. 

Is this what you've been waiting on? The drawing for the World's Best Cat Litter, tote bags and the grand prize of a Litter-Robot, self-cleaning litter box will be the Saturday following Thanksgiving, after the last post of the series. There is still much to come: tips for making a decision, steps for acclimating a new pet and much more.
© courtesy of Litter-Robot
From the Folks at Litter-Robot
Can you believe that scary monster up there is a cat litter box? No kidding! My Patches has one and she's enjoying the extra privacy from her canine housemates. Fortunately, she isn't scared off by it. Ours doesn't look quite like this one in  its scary costume!

Speaking of costumes, the winner of the Halloween Costume Contest for 2010 is Vic, the Pumpkin:
(c) reader copyright on file
Vic is a Good Sport
in this Tough-to-Wear Costume
Vic's prize package includes all that you see here. I'll look forward to getting his address so I can rush his goodies to him ASAP.
(c) Carrie Boyko
Halloween Treat Bag Contents
will Keep Vic in Snacks for a While

Until I get Vic's address, Tanner will guard the goods. Do you think he needs a uniform or a weapon or anything? Maybe a Sheriff's badge would make him look official.....next time. We'll have to figure out how to pin it on without an "ouch".
(c) Carrie Boyko
Doesn't Tanner Look Serious?
No Sneaking, Tanner!

P.S. With the holidays now approaching, are you planning a visit to family or friends with your Rover?  Check out my guest post at GoPetFriendly, where I address tips for Preparing Your Rover to be a Well-Behaved Holiday Guest.

You might also enjoy seeing the dog's commentary on this whole Halloween business over at 5 Minutes for Fido.
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