A Duet of Versatile Blogger Awards
by Carrie Boyko, CEB All I can say is that I must be incredibly versatile. I've received this award twice is the past couple of weeks and have managed to be so versatile as to not yet respond. Today is the day.
Thank you to The Elka Almanac and Kol's Notes for proffering this award. I feel so special and completely enveloped in versatility. I'll be working on enhancing my skills in that area, simply to rise to the level of your expectations. Wish me luck!Before I hand off this beautiful, lime-colored award, I'm supposed to bore entertain you with 7 things about myself or my family. I'm sure I can bore them too. - I enjoyed raising three wonderful kids who all surprised us with exceptional athletic ability and accomplishments, taking us all over the country (and more) to compete in gymnastics, tennis, barefoot waterskiing, pyramid waterskiing, volleyball, karate, baseball, basketball and diving. Whew!
- No wedding bells in the works yet, but who knows what surprises the future may hold.
- My eldest is an attorney in Virginia.
- My middle son, having graduated from UNC Chapel Hill last year, spent a year teaching high school science in Thailand and is now doing a 3 month tour of Southeast Asia.
- My youngest, a daughter, is studying abroad in a program to enhance her education about primates. She's a biology major.
- Hubby is a huge reader and a golfing fanatic--said with all due respect!
- I believe you've met Tanner, Oliver and Patches, the furry members of my family, so let's move on to the winners I have chosen. In no particular order, please join me in congratulating:
Nanny McFur
Life with Claire
Autumn and Jasmine's Playground
The Pet Lady's Blog
Doggies and Stuff
Gardening with Wyatt
Paw Luxury
Paw Print City Times
Alfie's Blog
I invite these bloggers to have a little fun exploring the blogosphere to bestow their award on new winners. Please let me know when you pass it along, so I'll get to hear who your choices are, while knowing that you've also had a chance to enjoy your time in the limelight (pun intended!). I believe the prescribed number of winners was supposed to be 15, but I decided to be a rule breaker and go with my top 9. It's a nice number; don't you think?
Back to my pets. I think I was successful at boring them. Check out Tanner:
© Carrie Boyko Zzzzzz........ |
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