Help Fido Mellow Out with Arenus

Help Fido Mellow Out with Arenus

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
1 Little Bottle=2 Mellow Dogs
© Arenus
Readers tell me frequently about their dog's fear of thunder and fireworks. Others say car rides or Vet visits bring on fearful symptoms. Whatever your pup's anxiety source is, Arenus botanicals has a solution.  I had the opportunity to test out their Mellow Out flower essences on Oliver and Tanner, and I'd like to share some of what I learned.

Apply Liquid to Treat
I have to confess that Tanner's only fear is a sudden loud noise--really sudden and really loud! Other than that, he's pretty much fearless. Thankfully. Oliver, like Tanner, has only one anxiety source, thunder and fireworks. Thunderstorm season has begun here in Central Florida and I've been using Mellow Out to soothe Oliver's tension. It's not horrible, mind you, but he does show signs of fear by mild shaking and a desire to remain near me. 

I feel like the Pied Piper when a storm is brewing, with Oliver following me everywhere I go. Enter Mellow Out. When I looked inside this tiny dropper bottle of liquid my first thought was, "Will Oliver willingly allow me to squirt this stuff into his mouth?" It doesn't smell bad to me--not much scent at all--but who knows what he will think.

Just the look of the dropper apparently had him wondering, so I got sneaky with him. I took a yummy baked treat and dropped the solution onto the treat. It soaked into the cookie quickly and I offered it to Oliver. Viola! He ate it like it was his last meal. Yay!

After using the Mellow Out in this way a few times, I've learned that it works best to sooth his mild anxiety when I give him it to him at the first sign of an impending storm. I don't wait till the rain starts or the winds kick up, and especially not until the noisy thunder begins. He gets his Mellow Out-laced treat before things outside get scary and he begins to quiver.

Now that I've discovered this additional treatment for anxiety, I've added it to my arsenal--soothing music combined with Mellow Out actually make for a great team to calm my canine household. 

Finally, I'd like to add one last little tidbit that is very telling. While Tanner is never responsive to thunderstorms, we did have one weather radio report of a sudden and very nasty storm coming recently. Just the siren on that radio is enough to get Oliver worked up. I decided to offer Tanner a treat with his own dose of Mellow Out and sure enough, he snoozed through that storm like a drunken sailor--clueless. It was noisy and long, enough so that Oliver chose to camp out on my lap. But the good news is he wasn't shivering this time. He had his Mellow Out, and I could see it was working.

Join me tomorrow for the opening of a Mellow Out giveaway. We'll be exploring Arenus's website, Facebook page and having some Tweeting fun. Feel free to go ahead and follow their social media sites today, so you'll be ready to hop right in tomorrow. Hope to see you here.

The product for the giveaway mentioned above is being provided by Arenus as a promotional courtesy. I have not been compensated to review this product or do the giveaway. The comments posted here are my own findings. There is no purchase necessary to enter and the giveaway is available to all North American addresses.

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