Arenus Coat Plus Giveaway!

Arenus Coat Plus Giveaway!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Coat Plus has Improved
Tanner's Coat Noticeably
It always feels good to discover a new product that works better than anything else I've tried. I've used various types of fish oils and even tried organic Flaxseed Oil that came highly recommended. None of these have had as good an effect on the texture of Tanner's coat as taking this Coat Plus supplement.

Today I'm happy to bring you a giveaway of this
Coat Plus is a Treat to Tanner
terrific product. If your dog's coat is challenged by any health or environmental issues, Coat Plus is likely to enrich its healthy look. It sure did improve Tanner's coat!

What's more, Tanner loves the taste of these gelcaps. They may look like medicine in my hand, but Tanner eats them like they're candy. Arenus makes them with a beef flavor, and he loves them. 

Tanner just got out of the pool in this shot at right.  When I offered him his "treat" he was happy to sit and pose for a moment before rinsing and drying off. This is one very happy dog. He got his swim and a yummy treat. What's more to want for in life?

You can enter to win a bottle of Coat Plus by Arenus in the Rafflecopter form below. If you don't see it, simply click on the post title to refresh and it will reappear. It's sneaky that way....sorry! Good luck to you all!

Arenus offered us a sample of Coat Plus to review its effects on Tanner's coat. We were so pleased with the effect that I am now purchasing the product for Tanner to continue on. I was not paid to do the review of Coat Plus, nor was I compensated to offer this giveaway. There is no purchase required to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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