Arenus Pet Tackles Super Dog Issues

Arenus Pet Tackles Super Dog Issues

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

No Issues Here!
 It's a beautiful, sunny, 85 degree day here in Central Florida. No thunderstorms looming, so that means Oliver is a happy camper. His only fear are the thunderheads of Summer, their loud noises causing him to snuggle up close. We discovered Arenus' Mellow Out and have used it regularly during storm season.  Bravo for flower essences. We hate medications!

Banish Your Super Dog's Issues
One of our Super Dog Sunday™ sponsors, Arenus, has a wide selection of homeopathic flower essence blends that are designed to help you give support to your pet's behavior issues. Many holistic physicians prefer these useful solutions, along with behavioral therapy, to the alternative of traditional medications that may come with harmful side effects.

Today we're excited to share two other Arenus botanicals that may be of particular interest to Petfinder rescues and their shelter animals. Devil Be Gone was created for the dogs on the offense--aggressive, willful  or obsessive about protection. Before giving up on these dogs, we hope our friends at the shelters will give Devil Be Gone a try.

This flower essence preparation includes: Distilled water, proprietary blend of infusions of Prunus cerasifera, Ilex aquifolium, Impatiens gladulifera, Mimulus guttatus, Berberis aquifolium, Antirrhinum majus, Lilium humboldtii, Verbena officinalis, and Vitis vinferaflower essences, and distilled vinegar.

© AllThingsDogBlog.comServing Tip!
The other product I'd like to share is perfect for the forever licking, chewing, scratching and grooming pooch. Often these behaviors that start with boredom turn into habits that require our intervention to get them under control. These obsessive behaviors and others can be calmed with the use of Obsess Less.

Ingredients in this botanical are: Distilled water and proprietary blend of infusions of Aesculus hippocastanum, Malus sylvestris, Mimulus lewisii, Aesculus carnea, solarized spring water, and Salix vitella flower essences, and distilled vinegar.

Are you wondering how these flower essences are administered? While you can simply use the dropper to place the liquid in the pet's mouth, we found that dispensing it onto a treat and allowing it to  absorb, makes for a nice snack that has a medicinal value that is not recognized by Fido. Pretty sneaky, eh?

Before you head off, be sure to stop in to visit and follow ArenusPet on Facebook and Twitter. Tell 'em Oliver sent you!

Event Barkers, a partnership of and, is working with Arenus to increase their product awareness. As a charitable sponsor of Super Dog Sunday™, they are also supporting Petfinder Foundation and its work with shelter animals. Be sure to check out today's article about sponsor Nature's Logic, published at

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