Dog Whisperer Season 4: Vol 1 Free to One Forever Home

Dog Whisperer Season 4: Vol 1 Free to One Forever Home

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© courtesy Amazon
People are always asking me what I think about Cesar Millan. He's the star to the controversial, yet often popular Dog Whisperer TV Show. Airing on the National Geographic Channel on Friday nights, Cesar has won many fans among owners, and at the same time, many opponents in the dog training world.

I'm no dog trainer. Yes, I train my own dogs. I'm a DIYer at heart.  But that doesn't make me an expert on all breeds, behaviors and techniques. Over the years, I have attended traditional treat-based training classes many times. They work when the owner is diligent. I had the opportunity to try a Barkbusters class with Tanner and learned a bit about their no-treat techniques. This was all well and good fur us, yet may not have worked for a puppy. At the time, Tanner and Oliver were both beyond that first year of basic commands, and in the process of getting their coveted CGC certifications.

I also enjoy immersing myself in Cesar's calm attitude. Do I think his approach will work for everyone? Absolutely not! I do think that  most owners could learn a thing or two about their own behavior around their dogs. That's where I believe Cesar is setting a good example. 

His trademark "Ch" correction noise was met with little more than a miff by my pups, but the Barkbusters "Bah!" was ever more effective. I think each dog and owner need to continue learning and trying new methods throughout the dog's life. I found that new methods brought out a younger Xena, when during her 13th year she began to learn new skills I would never have believed possible had I not seen it for myself. I just changed the way I presented the task, and viola', Xena performed.

For what it's worth, Cesar has a lot of good philosophies and attitudes to share. If you're interested in garnering what you can from his methods, I invite you to enter to win the Season 4: Volume 1 5 DVD set. If you're not into playing the odds, click the link and you can easily order your own package for the going rate at Amazon--about $18.00 as I write this. Please note that this giveaway will run for 2 weeks. You may enter by some methods daily if you wish; however, only the 2 mandatory entries are required to qualify you for the drawing.

If you do not see the Rafflecopter entry form below, simply click on the post title to refresh and it should appear hear in seconds. Good luck!

As Cesar would say, stay calm and assertive.

Full disclosure: This DVD package was acquired by me and is being offered as a promotional event. No purchase is necessary to enter. The above does not constitute a product review, but merely a sharing of some observations about various training and dog handling methods. Please read more about my contest and giveaway rules here.

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