Giveaway: Springer Dog Biking Attachment

Giveaway: Springer Dog Biking Attachment

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Tanner's Pays Attention
 to Changes in the Tire Position
© A Boyko
Confident Oliver Takes Charge!
As I mentioned in the Springer Review, Tanner is a bit more cautious about biking. Don't get me wrong; he's not frightened. He simply has learned to watch the front tire for signals about which way the bike will turn. He's a smart cookie.

When Oliver is not pulling me at full speed, he seems to simply enjoy a confident jaunt down the street. No worries; he's certain I'll take care of him.

Now it's our turn to take care of you. This giveaway is a $100 value. Only one lucky winner will get a Springer, so read carefully and enter only if you're planning to enjoy the Springer with your dog. Entries close at the end of the day on December 29th. You and Fido may have a great way to put your "Get into Shape" New Years resolutions to work. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full disclosure: I lucked up and met Shell at Global Pet Expo, where he gave me a review sample so that I could write this review. I was not paid to review the Springer and the opinions here are my own thoughts about the thingys and the gizmos. There is no purchase necessary to enter the giveaway, and you are not obligated to enter it. This giveaway is limited to U.S. addresses only. For more information, see my Giveaway and Contest Rules page.

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