Dog Stories Find Forever Family
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko Time to Give up the Books Oliver You've Guarded them Well |
These book giveaways are getting very emotional for me. I hear so many wonderful stories from readers about their children or their love of kids books that I want to send everyone a case full! I wish I could, but these giveaways come from my own pocket, so they are limited to my budget restraints. I don't know if you've heard, but blogging isn't exactly a get-rich-quick scheme. Clearly I'm not in this for the big bucks!
Today's winner has a daughter who enjoys dog stories and has a class of friends who will share in the treasure. Congratulations to H. Ruggiero for winning the 5 books in the photo. Watch for my email so that you may reply with your current address and we'll get these book to you as soon as possible.
Sorry, but Oliver stays here. He has to guard the next batch of books. There will be another book giveaway in early October, with more to come. Stay tuned to our Current Giveaways page in the middle sidebar to keep up with what's going on currently.
You'll see this image there. Click to visit the page that has the basic giveaway information, and select the link to the specific post for more details. Let me know how this works for you. Your feedback helps me make my page easier for readers to navigate. Thanks to you all for participating.
Dog Book Winner Announcements
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © courtesy J. Kachnic July 4th is almost here and many are planning a much-needed day of R-and-R; me included. There's nothing more relaxing than a day of reading beside the pool or at the beach. All Things Dog Blog...
Dog Stories Find Forever Families!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Ready for Summer Reading FunTanner and Oliver enjoy listening to stories. Sound strange? Not according to my boys. We travel back and forth to visit family, and while in the car I play books on CD to listen...
School's (almost) Out For Summer: Summer Kids Reading Giveaway
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © All Things Dog Blog Oliver Loves to Be Read To Does Your Dog?It's time to start your plan. If you have children who enjoy reading, and love dogs, this is your chance to score some Summer reading material. Your kids definitely...
Dog Books For Children A Popular Pick
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
(c) K.K. reader copyright on file Rory Enjoys a Good Read
© A.J. reader copyright on file Lola Enjoys Boxer Story
Who has read A Dog's Purpose? I'm just about to finish it, so please don't give the end away....
Young Dog Fans? 8 Free Books For Young Readers
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko Oliver is on GuardI'm thinking about starting a kids'corner--an occasional article or post related to kids and dogs. What do you think? Hubby thinks maybe a book review of all the great dog books for kids would...