Young Dog Fans? 8 Free Books for Young Readers

Young Dog Fans? 8 Free Books for Young Readers

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Oliver is on Guard
I'm thinking about starting a kids'corner--an occasional article or post related to kids and dogs. What do you think? Hubby thinks maybe a book review of all the great dog books for kids would be a good start. Can you tell he's a big reader? He managed to quote to me that "It's the 30th anniversary of Stone Fox coming up shortly". I guess he's serious! 

A couple of days ago I offered up a batch of books for preschoolers. Today I have 8 new books for middle grade readers, ranging from about ages 8-12. How do you win a book for you, your kid, or a special child in your life? Super simple:
No spam to that address or your email; scout's honor. I'll only use it for your package if you win something. If you don't win, I'll be sure to put your name in the bucket for our rolling drawings, that will restart later in January, after I return from a bit of time off. Don't worry, the posts will continue to roll. I've preloaded the blog and it will be on auto-pilot while I'm playing with my own dogs.  Happy reading!
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