Dog Doings this Week: Prepping for Conferences
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko News from All Things Dog Blog |
August is here. I feel like the chicken that thought the sky was falling. I'm going to be running around all month, absolutely certain I won't be ready to go when travel day arrives. Yikes!
The last weekend of August marks my second appearance at Blogpaws, a conference for pet bloggers. This year it will be held in our nation's capital, a perk for me, as I will have the opportunity to visit my eldest son while in the 'neighborhood'.
Thus, the craziness that is me, I will be fretting over getting everything ready to go, as another conference follows Blogpaws very quickly. Enough of that, though, you're here to find out what's coming for THIS week:- Pup Profiles returns tomorrow with a quick look at one of your favorite bloggers' pups. Don't miss the suprise when you get to find out who's front and center for the day.
- Wednesday I'll be honoring some very energetic readers with a thank you in our Wordless Wednesday post, which is generally not terribly wordless. In case you hadn't noticed, that's not my strong suit. I'll be offering up free bandanas to my blogging buddies in exchange for photos of your pups wearing them. Anyone interested?
- Product reviews this week will move in the direction of my preparations, or rather Oliver's, as the case may be. He's got a new travel carrier, a rolling traveler, and a Travel organizer that he wants to show off. He'll even be giving you a peek at his wardrobe selections for Blogpaws, so stop on by this Thursday.
- Kids books will be back on the menu in my weekly giveaways and of course there will be another surprise Grab Bag Winner. Will it be you?
- Friday I get to play the gifter, handing out prizes like Terra Paws dog treats, Pet Sitter Instruction pads by Planet Dog, and Daily Deals from Barking Deals. Thanks for your participation in these giveaways. There is plenty of room for more!
- My inbox is brimming with guest posts and another gem from Dr. Mark, so these too will be showing up shortly, as well as one of my own chattering posts on Saturday.
Upcoming reviews (with giveaways) that you may enjoy also include first aid kits, Zukes treats, a dog walking belt that is rather clever and functional for dog park visits, hiking and such, hemp leash/collar/harness set from Planet Dog and more kids' books. And that's just what I can see from my desk. Happy tails!
Woofing Wordless Wednesday: Defining A Classic
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All Things Dog Blog's Weekly Preview
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko Oliver is Taking this Job a Little More Seriously
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Fido's Freebie Friday Unloads Silliness And Pet Giveaways
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Notes From The Doghouse
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Today's weekly preview is coming from me....again. Oliver is napping so soundly he cannot be roused for his weekly job. Too much biking this morning? Maybe. This past week's product reviews are certainly drawing a great...
Fido's Follow Friday? Let's Call It Fido's Freebie Friday!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB You've probably seen the #ff or #FF on Facebook and Twitter. I've even seen a few on blogposts. Many pet bloggers use #WW or #ww to bid hello to their fellow pet lovers. Have you been scratching your head and wondering...