All Things Dog Blog's Weekly Preview
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko Oliver is Taking this Job a Little More Seriously |
I'm on a high this week, compliments of the recent pet blogging conference I attended. So many ideas; so little time. This post is simply to share some of the upcoming posts. Hope you'll return to check them out as we go through the week:- Pup Profiles will introduce you to a reader's dog today. Is he yours?
- Dr. Mark has some interesting insight on the spay/neuter conundrum and dogs' hormones--great questions from one very astute reader.
- I'm finally sharing the first of some posts on the animals I met in Thailand. Have I got an eyeful for you on Wednesday.
- K9 Kamp opens Thursday, along with a batch of new reviews and giveaways, so I wouldn't miss this if I were you. K9 Kamp is a new program, hosted by Kolchak Puggle and Peggy's Pet Place, and designed to help us all get healthy and fit. And that's on top of all the prizes that will be given away. Join me for some fun activity challenges and a few tips on eating better to help us meet our goals.
- Fido's Freebie Friday should be cooking with lots of fun giveaways on Friday, after bloggers get their links in on Thursday evening. Be sure to stop in and see what's new on the giveaways scene.
- Winners' announcements will be posted on Friday afternoon for the giveaways of Organix Pet food and copies of A Dog's Purpose. Another Grab Bag Surprise will pop up as well, so check in to see if you're a winner this week.
- The Saturday Pet Blogger Hop continues as always. My post this week will address quality of life for senior dogs. If you've got an aging Fido, or one that is close, this may be the post you'll need to give some consideration to.
- Sunday's Adoptable Pets Tour will visit Montana in search of dogs, cats and rabbits that are available for adoption. Be sure to check in if you're in that area and looking for a new furry friend.
Fido's Freebie Friday: Enjoy Your Pet!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Wow, did I have a blonde senior blogger moment last week or what? And it appears to continue, since I couldn't even decide what to call it today. No way am I ready to admit that I'm a senior! I just looked at last week's...
Fido's Freebie Friday Readies 4 St. Patty's
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Next week bloggers all over will be offering ideas for celebrating St. Patrick's Day with your pets. There may be fun goodies here that are related, so please stop by and check us out. This event is open 24/7 but refreshes with...
Fidos Freebie Friday At Global Pet Expo
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Yes; you read right. I'm trekking the floors of the Orlando Convention Center, looking for the best products and coolest new pet ideas. What I find here will largely determine what you see in my reviews, giveaways and ads throughout...
Fido's Freebie Friday Enjoying New Schedule
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Tanner and Oliver sure did have fun playing "Mardi Gras" for the camera this week. I do enjoy our photo shoots,and funny thing is they enjoy them too. Not only do they get treats for good behavior, but they seem to like being fawned...
Notes From The Doghouse
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Today's weekly preview is coming from me....again. Oliver is napping so soundly he cannot be roused for his weekly job. Too much biking this morning? Maybe. This past week's product reviews are certainly drawing a great...