Win a Happy Camper Bed for Your Dog

Win a Happy Camper Bed for Your Dog

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© AllThingsDogBlog
Wet Beds are Cool in Summer Heat

Tanner just had to try out the water resistant fabric on his new Happy Camper bed that we reviewed earlier today. As he swam toward the step I could read his mind. He was bringing his toy in for a landing, and a nice snooze in the warm sun.

As the water poured off his coat I couldn't help but wonder how the foam inside would fare. The good news was that after Tanner dried off and went inside, I removed the cover to see how much squeezed through. The tight weave and water resistance of the fabric did its job very well. 

I was able to leave the bed to dry in the sun, then placing it out of the risk of another rain shower, or wet dog invasion. This is one review sample that will really get great use at our home with a daily swimmer on our hands. Tanner already gave me the look--"This is terrific, Mom!"
© AllThingsDogBlog
Tanner and His Happy Camper Dry Together

If you'd like to enter to win one of these Tanner-approved, water resistant beds for your water dog, just use the Rafflecopter below and jump right in. If it seems to have sunk too low to locate, just click on the post title above and you'll quickly find it will float to the surface, ready to play.

To purchase a Happy Camper Bed, use the Store Locator at this link. I found 2 stores stocking the beds in my own zip code so I trust you will have success as well.

Good luck,

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All Things Dog Blog is running this giveaway at no charge to PoochPlanet. The review of this product was not compensated and I have shared my own experience.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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