#BarktoSchool PreTweeting Begins!

#BarktoSchool PreTweeting Begins!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Twitter just keeps making life easier for us. Dogtipper and I are pleased to share this super easy new way to PreTweet our Twitter Parties, entering you to win a great prize. Valued at over $70, you'll automatically be entered to win when you send the Tweet shown below. You may Tweet daily up to the opening of #BarktoSchool using the Tweets from any of our sites; the winner will be announced at 8:00 PM ET sharp on Sunday, August 12.

What's in the PreTweet prize? Let's just say your pup or kitty will be off to school, training or doggy daycare with a healthy breakfast, a terrific leash, a sweet smelling coat, a book of helpful tips, a bandana to make him or her look adorable, and a box of training treats. Wowzer; you don't want to miss this!
#BarktoSchool sponsors are providing products as prizes for our winners and working with the Event Barkers team to help you learn more about their products and services. There is no purchase required to enter or to join in the Twitter Party.

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