#BarktoSchool Back Up Plan

#BarktoSchool Back Up Plan

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Martin Kimeldorf via flickr.com

I can hardly believe that #BarktoSchool is finally here. Are you ready? Dogtipper.com has posted a simple 'how to' primer for new Twitter Users here, for your assistance. You'll also find Twitter 101 posts listed in my left sidebar. If this is your first time attending a Twitter Party, we suggest reading some of this material to help you keep up. The speed that these parties move at can be quite exciting.

Important things to remember:

Except, that is, when Twitter goes down. If that were to happen we have a back up plan. Same time tomorrow evening, we'll resume the #BarktoSchool party if Twitter happens to tank. The prizes will still be given away and all the Twitter Chat will pickup right where we leave off tonight. So no worries if you think Twitter is down; we've got your umbrella!

Now, just to make sure you're ready, ask yourself if you've RSVP'd at the link above. If so, join the party early to be sure you're checked in before the 8 PM ET drawing of the first prize. Happy #BarktoSchool!

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