Win a Yoga Mat for Your Doga Practice
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer
Off to Doga Class |
I'm off to Doga class. Don't worry. Oliver is coming along also. It wouldn't be Doga with him. But also he's like an American Express card. I never leave home without him. Well, almost never.
We've now passed the halfway point in the beginner Doga videos, each lasting only a few minutes. I run a new one each Saturday, and am sure to share the links to all on each post so you can try out the others when you're feeling adventurous.
Speaking of adventure, I took on Google and found a few listings of Doga classes in my area. I've also found several Doga books on Amazon. I guess it's not as off the beaten path as I thought, although still not a household word. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying playing a small part in changing that.
I've splurged on a few prizes to inspire and encourage you. Today I'm starting a new giveaway that will go to one lucky winner: a dog-themed Tote bag (see an example in my photo), a Yoga mat (colors vary), and a yoga journal to keep track of your progress and make notes about new poses. I keep discovering new ones each time I get on Youtube or Instagram.
Funny thing about Instagram is that there are a ton of yogis that use this social media. You'll find loads of inspiration in photos, videos and sentiments--while not necessarily all safe for beginners--and enjoy the journey of seeing what others have accomplished. My daily visit to Instagram is now a ooooo and ahhhh session, as I'm always amazed at the talents of some of the yogis I have followed. It's fun to see their gymnastics! |
Tanner Gets His Affection During Practice Too |
Let's get on with this giveaway, yes? Who needs a nice, cushy new yoga mat for their practice? Or possibly an adorable tote bag to lug your stuff around in, journal included. All this goes to one lucky winner.
Remember that the Rafflecopter sometimes works on its Corpse Pose and you may not find it at the bottom of the post. You can bring it back to life by clicking on the post title. Let the workout begin!
The prizes in this giveaway were purchased by me for this giveaway. I hope you're enjoying this relaxing way to bond with your dog while improving your health.a Rafflecopter giveaway
Doga Variations: Side Angle Yoga Pose
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Are you tagging along on this Doga journey with us? Earlier we posted a series of short instructional doga videos, created especially for All Things Dog Blog Readers. Now we're circling back to share some variations on ways...
Improving Your Cobra Pose With Fido's Help
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Just getting started with #doga? Cobra pose is a great way to slowly and gently move your back's flexibility along while simultaneously strengthening it. Keep our initial suggestions in mind as you work on this for just a few...
Doga Calendar And Journal Winners!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB BufferOliver Enjoys Doga TreatsAs it turns out, the addition of Doga to my workout routine has attracted a few curious, and unexpected new readers. I'm enjoying seeing names in the entries that are completely new to me! Welcome...
Keep Track Of Your #doga Practice: Win A Journal To Log Your Poses
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Working on My Forward FoldTanner and Oliver are continuing to gain more comfort joining me for yoga practice. This week's pose doesn't exactly lend itself to Oliver onboard, but Tanner and I did share a nuzzle. Next...
Preparing For Doga: Yoga With Your Dog
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Get Ready to Bond!We're rounding a corner on the preparation of our Doga series. Jess and Nikki B. have worked hard to prepare easy poses for all of us to practice, keeping beginners in mind even as she demonstrates some...