Keep Track of Your #Doga Practice: Win a Journal to Log Your Poses
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer
Working on My Forward Fold |
Tanner and Oliver are continuing to gain more comfort joining me for yoga practice. This week's pose doesn't exactly lend itself to Oliver onboard, but Tanner and I did share a nuzzle. Next time I think I'll try to practice my Forward Fold with him directly in front of me, allowing me to stroke his neck and receive a personal kiss. Great motivation!
I do love having the boys keep me company, but they have not provided any assistance in mapping my progress. To this end, it occurred to me that some of you may wish to journal or log your practices, noting any new poses or successes. I picked up 3 journals that I'm going to offer up as giveaways, along with a #Doga calendar that could be used for the same purpose.
Perhaps it could even be helpful in setting goals for your practice or for incorporating your dog into this activity. We love the bonding that deepens with each workout :)
This giveaway will remain open for 2 weeks, closing on Monday night, May 5. Winners will be announced Tuesday May 6. By then, you will have been introduced to the Warrior I and Warrior II poses--the Sun Salutation. These are awesome poses that make you feel strong and empowered when you become more comfortable with them. At first, you may find them humbling, but that's completely normal. Stick with it!
You'll find a complete list of the Doga training videos at our Doga page here. The list will continue to be updated each week as a new, instructional video is published. These short videos last only a few minutes, but endeavor to teach you proper alignment for the pose, as well as offering options to incorporate your dog in the fun. Enjoy! |
Chart Your Progress by Journal or Calendar |
You can enter to win one of the journals or the calendar by using the Rafflecopter entry widget at the bottom of the post. If you're new to All Things Dog Blog, you may sometimes notice this widget likes to snooze out of sight. You can be like a Dogi and quietly, ever so peacefully, awaken it by clicking on the post title above. Good luck to you all!
The prizes in this giveaway were purchased by me for this giveaway. I hope you're enjoying this relaxing way to bond with your dog while improving your health.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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