What is Organic Pet Food?
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© What Exactly Does USDA Organic Mean to You? |
Most of you know that I've been feeding my dogs ORGANIX organic dog food for, well, years. I've lost count. Today I'm participating in an #OrganicPet survey to collect some data on what your perception of organic is. This is going to be fun, since understanding what you believe about organic is very important to understanding what I can do to continue to educate you and myself about this important topic. You can help by giving me just a few minutes to take the organic pet food survey.
Just in case you're passing up this chance to offer your insight, I timed my own taking of this 6-question survey. It took me a whopping 21 seconds. Can you spare 21 seconds to help us create more accurate information to use in our sharing. Thanks!
Along with a group of us in this mini research project, we'll be tabulating the data and creating an infographic to share our findings. Are you curious? I can't wait to see it. I've read so much about this original method of food production and farming that I often forget what I thought about it before I started on this journey. Watch for the infographic to come as we approach Halloween. No spooky info, I promise. Just your answers. Join us!Happy tails,This survey, infographic and the follow up post that will share some of my insights on shopping for your pets' food, is sponsored by Castor and Pollux, the makers of ORGANIX. I have not been compensated to participate in this project, but Castor and Pollux is my site's primary advertiser, so I'm eager to learn what our readers know about organic pet food. More soon!
#organicpet Food Survey Says...
by Carrie Boyko, CEB This infographic is sponsored by Castor and Pollux, the makers of ORGANIX. I have not been compensated to participate in this project....
#organicpet Winners, Prizes And Thank You's
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Oliver is still sleeping in as I write this wrap up of our fun evening last night. I certainly can't blame him for being tired; he and Rocco were burning up Twitter, having way too much fun :) As for the rest of the party,...
The Ins And Outs Of #organicpet: Aka Who To Follow For What
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer The Event Barkers Twitter Parties have definitely all got two things in common: they move quickly and we have a bunch of fun! Hopefully by now you have marked your calendar, RSVP'd in the widget, and entered any pre-event...
#organicpet Twitter Party Serves Up Healthy Facts, Prizes And Fun
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Event Barkers is proud to announce our very first Twitter Party featuring an organic pet food maker. Please mark your calendar to join us on May 4 at 8 PM for this very special, one-hour event. Castor and Pollux has long been...
Dog Food D-day: The Big Reveal
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko The Big Reveal We're Organix Fans! I've really been stringing you guys along, haven't I? Sorry, but it was important to me to spell it all out--the reasons for our decision, the important information I...