#OrganicPet Food Survey Says...
by Carrie Boyko, CEB

This infographic is sponsored by Castor and Pollux, the makers of ORGANIX. I have not been compensated to participate in this project.
Winners: Jerky Chip Cookies From Organix
by Carrie Boyko, CEB BufferOliver Celebrates #ASmartCookie!Jerky lovers in the canine world are all abuzz. Safe jerky really does exist if you know how to look for it. We've selected organic, USA-made jerky for our dogs from the folks at Castor and...
#organicpet Winners, Prizes And Thank You's
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Oliver is still sleeping in as I write this wrap up of our fun evening last night. I certainly can't blame him for being tired; he and Rocco were burning up Twitter, having way too much fun :) As for the rest of the party,...
#organicpet Twitter Party Serves Up Healthy Facts, Prizes And Fun
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Event Barkers is proud to announce our very first Twitter Party featuring an organic pet food maker. Please mark your calendar to join us on May 4 at 8 PM for this very special, one-hour event. Castor and Pollux has long been...
Pet Lovers Win Castor And Pollux Chow
by Carrie Boyko, CEB photo courtesy Shiloh This whopper of a giveaway for Castor and Pollux includes Organix and Natural Ultramix foods. The winners will each receive more than 20 lbs. of food, allowing them plenty of chow to transition their pets onto...
Dog Food D-day: The Big Reveal
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko The Big Reveal We're Organix Fans! I've really been stringing you guys along, haven't I? Sorry, but it was important to me to spell it all out--the reasons for our decision, the important information I...