Some Things to Remember on Dog Training
Dog Catching Frisbee, originally uploaded by cindyinnc.
Every dog owner wants a well-behaved dog - a dog who responds to your commands and does not give you a problem. But all dogs need proper training. Here are some things to remember when training a dog:
Keeping expectations real. A dog owner training a dog for the first time can have too much expectation. Seeing other dogs who have been properly trained behave so well and do a lot of tricks can affect your perception. You may also expect your dog to do the same especially if it's the same breed as your neighbor's well-trained dog. Always remember that training a dog takes time and effort. Don't expect your dog to learn a new trick right away. In addition, different dog breeds have distinct personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Don't expect your dog to do something that he isn't capable of or isn't in his nature.
Patience is a virtue. Canine training is a serious commitment. You can't just train a dog for a few days and then give up. Different dogs learn differently. Some dogs maybe more easily distracted than others. Some dogs can take a lot time to learn than others. If you really want your dog to learn, be patient. Continuous practice is the key to perfecting any trick or command.
Reprimanding your dog more than what is needed. Correcting a dog when he's done wrong should be done while your dog is doing it or immediately after. Reprimanding your dog for a wrong deed he committed 5 minutes ago will be useless. This will only confuse your poor dog about what you're angry about.
Do not confuse your dog. Consistency is the key to dog training. A dog can only understand two types of commands - Yes and No. A dog cannot decipher between "Yes sometimes" and "No sometimes". So if you don't want your dog jumping on you when you're all dressed up, don't let him do so even when you're wearing pajamas.
Using too many training methods. Dog trainers use different methods in canine training. However, trying to mix them all up is not the proper way of training. Find a technique that will work for you and your dog, and stick to it. Study your chosen method and focus on it.
Never hurt your dog. Whether your dog is not paying attention to your training or is not getting your commands, never punish your dog by inflicting pain. Physical injury is not the way to help your dog learn.
Always reward a dog that does well. A dog responds to positive reinforcement. A dog normally wants to please his human, he wants to know if he's doing the right thing. So, praise your dog and give him the treats he deserve if he's performing a good job.

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