Essentials of Successful Dog Training
Dog training can be an exciting, enjoyable and rewarding experience for both the owner and his pet. It allows the dog and master to bond closer. Most importantly, the dog learns how to

behave well and the owner is relieved of unnecessary stress and trouble that a bad behavior may cause.
The simplest tricks that you can teach your dog are the Sit and Stay commands. These are also essentials of good behavior. As your dog progresses, more complex tricks can be introduced. But before a dog owner can successfully train his pet, he must first educate himself. Here are the essentials of dog training:
Essentials of Successful Dog Training
- Teach the Right Tricks
- Give the Right Rewards
- Practice, Practice, Practice
- Stay Positive
Teach the Right Tricks
An important point to remember is that different dog breeds respond differently to training. Also, not all dogs like to do the same tricks. Some dogs love to entertain people but some dogs prefer to be left alone. Some dogs love to play fetch, others don't. Thus, learning about your dog's personality based on its breed is the first step to effective dog training.
Give the Right Rewards
Rewards are a must for dog training. All dogs love to please. They love to know if they're doing the right thing. Rewards can be verbal praises or treats, or both. Again, different dogs like different treats so it's best to find out which one is your dog's favorite. Remember, only reward your dog if he is behaving correctly. If not, the best way to show your dog that you are not pleased is to ignore him.
Practice, Practice, PracticeTrain your dog one step at a time. Spend a few minutes of training, EVERY DAY, until your dog learns the trick. Regular practice is better than occasional, long sessions. Focus on one trick until your dog can master it.
Stay Positive
Successful dog training relies on positive reinforcement. Don't expect your dog to learn in an instant. Some dogs may progress faster than others. Don't give in to frustration. Avoid using a harsh tone of voice or yelling. Never hit your dog, even when he seems to be not listening to your commands. With dog training, patience is a virtue.
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.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Dog Catching Frisbee, originally uploaded by cindyinnc. Every dog owner wants a...