Shoulder Injuries in Dogs

Shoulder injury in dogs is a very common occurrence, as dogs can be quite energetic and hence, sometimes may overdo themselves. An important fact about dogs is that they do not have collarbones connecting to the shoulder blades. Instead, the humerus bone directly fits into the shoulder socket, thereby, allowing the dogs to stretch their fore legs even while running or leaping forward. Any injury to the shoulder joint or the adjoining tendons can cause dogs to limp, in an attempt to not place pressure on the fore limbs. This can make many pet owners to suspect fore leg injury. But, they often forget to take into account that even shoulder injury can cause limping or lameness in dogs.
Causes of Shoulder Injuries in Canines These injuries are most of the time caused by overactivity or over use of the muscles and trauma or physical injury. Too much jumping or running can strain the muscle or tendons adjoining the shoulder joint. Sometimes, a rigorous activity can result in injury to the shoulder joint itself. This can be quite common with previously inactive or lazy dogs. An attempt to do an intense physical activity or exercise all of a sudden, can result in muscle and joint sprain. This is also true for the overweight or obese dogs. Excess body weight means extra pressure on the joint, while jumping or running. Therefore, such dogs should be encouraged to participate in physical activities slowly, and not abruptly.
Symptoms of Shoulder Injuries in Canines An injury to shoulder joint or its adjacent muscles and tendons would compel the dogs to limp. They would simply refuse do an activity that places pressure on their front legs. Instead, they would try to put as little pressure as possible on their fore legs. In such a situation, an active dog can suddenly hesitate to jump or run. He or she may lift one of the paws continuously while walking. In such a situation, the pet owners have a tendency to suspect leg injury. However, they should keep in mind that even shoulder injury can present these symptoms. If it is an injury of the shoulders, then the shoulders may not look even, when observed carefully. Besides this, swelling can be present on the affected shoulder. Sometimes, a dog can be observed to bob his head or move his shoulder frequently, which can also indicate shoulder injury.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Shoulder Injury Minor injuries to the shoulder generally subside within a few days without treatment. But, if the condition does not improve and the dogs show a sign of severe pain, then a veterinarian should be consulted at the earliest. Veterinarians usually take X-rays of the shoulder to evaluate the extent of the injury. It also helps them to rule out other conditions that can produce the same symptoms like shoulder injury. Such a condition is 'osteochondrosis' which an orthopedic disease of the joints.
Treatment for shoulder injuries in dogs would depend on the extent of the damage. Pain and swelling caused by mild injury goes away within a week or so, without any medical intervention. To ease mild pain, one can use hot or cold packs on the affected area. In the meantime, exercises or other physical activities need to be restricted. However, anti-inflammatory drugs may be required for the treatment, especially if the injury or inflammation is of severe nature.
A little care and cautious observance for your pet can help in detecting shoulder injuries in the early stage and prevent its future recurrences. Therefore, it is important to keep a close watch over dog behavior. A sudden change or reduction in their activity level, can indicate injuries to the shoulder and other parts of the body. Apart from these, remember that overweight dogs are more prone to injuries. Therefore, encourage your dogs to do a lot of physical activities, but not abruptly. This would ensure general health and well-being of your pets.
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