Hydrotherapy for Dogs

Hydrotherapy is described as the external use of water for therapeutic purposes. The purpose of using water is either to generate pressure effect or act as a medium of applying mechanical energy to the tissues of the body. Hydrotherapy is popular by some of its synonyms like hydrotherapeutics and hydrotherapy. It finds use in the treatment of a number of illnesses in humans. Veterinarians recommend the use of hydrotherapy in curing pain and injuries in dogs as well.
Hydrotherapy in Dogs: An Introduction The purpose of hydrotherapy is to bring down pain and reduce swelling from the affected parts of the dog's body. It also tends to increase blood circulation. Hydrotherapy can be made use of for both acute and chronic medical conditions in a dog's body. The common places in the dogs' body where hydrotherapy can be used are legs, paws and bone joints. It is especially effective in reducing the discomfort from a bee sting, spider bite and snakebite. Generally, hydrotherapy is given in sessions and in conjunction with conventional treatment with medicines. In case of physical trauma or injury, antibiotics and medicines for inflammation and pain relief are given while the dog is taking hydrotherapy sessions.
Hydrotherapy in Dogs: Procedure The veterinarian will first identify the injured body part. He will ask you to perform hydrotherapy a certain number of times, which he decides according to the severity of injury and intensity of pain. The veterinarian will also tell you about the temperature of water to be used. It can either be cold or warm, which again depends upon the severity and type of injury. In a typical hydrotherapy session, a stream of water is run gently over the affected part of the dog's body. In case your dog gets frightened by running water, you may use a cold or hot compress instead. You can even make your dog derive all the benefits of hydrotherapy by soaking his affected body part in water at the recommended temperature. You are supposed to apply gentle pressure on the injured body part while it is wet with water. If the pain is intense, your dog may show objection to it in the beginning. Move slowly and gently. Try your level best not to hurt your pet dog. If there is a lot of pain, and the dog is reluctant to tolerate the application of pressure, then make him only soak his affected body part in a bucket filled with water. There are special hydrotherapy pools for dogs as well. Search for one in your city and take your dog there. This will also do a lot in relieving pain, swelling and other discomfort.
Hydrotherapy in Dogs: Benefits The benefits of hydrotherapy in dogs are numerous. It relieves pain, stiffness and swelling. Secondly, it strengthens the muscles and keeps them as such in the long run. Hydrotherapy alleviates muscle spasms. Regular hydrotherapy sessions leads to increased range of motions in joints. It helps accelerate the process of healing, and hence recovery. Finally, it increases the circulation of blood through the dog's body. Improved blood flow itself treats numerous malaise and speeds up the process of recovery from tissue damage and injury.
Thus, you see how beneficial hydrotherapy can be in taking care of your dog. To add to this, giving a healthy diet and sufficient time for relaxation will help your dog recover fast from any sort of illness. Give all these things a shot to give a better and healthy life to your canine friend.
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