Event Barkers is gaining steam quickly. After last week's Red Carpet Cat, which sadly was missing the @AllThingsDog Twitter handle :(, Paris and I are busily preparing for growth.
We're looking for new ways to get the word out about our parties. We have some new options available and you can win prizes by exploring them in the Rafflecopter below. We don't want you to miss a single party!
Just for availing yourself of additional ways to keep up with our events, you'll be entered to win a copy of Dogtipper's book, Barkonomics: Tips for Frugal Fidos, an All Things Dog Blog bandana (size appropriate), a dog training video, 1 box of Zukes treats, and a dog toy. That's a total value of nearly $50! It's that easy!
Entries begin now and will continue through midnight Thursday, March 15. One prize package will be given away by each of our blogs: 2 winners! Enjoy! Note: Canadian winners will receive a substitute prize for the dog treats, due to border regulations regarding the shipment of pet food.
Helpful Tip: If you do not see the Rafflecopter entry form below, simply refresh the page by clicking on the title and it will appear just beneath this line:
- Rafflecopter Follows = Pet Prize Fun
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Swheat Scoop and Event Barkers have announced our latest Twitter Party this week, and we sure do hope you've already RSVP'd to get in on that prize drawing for #LitterChat. Yesterday we started the PreTweet contest and today...
- Zukes Hard Working Treats: A Giveaway
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Celebrating Hard Working Dogs! Many of you have written about the need for tips on training and I've been happy to finally deliver. In sharing the beginning of our training series--house training tips--Zukes is partnering...
- #barkfriday Twitter Party Sure To Unleash Holiday Savings
by Carrie Boyko, CEB We had such fun at the SafeHowloween party that this was inevitable. Besides, the holidays are a time for celebrating. Our theme this time is saving money. Who doesn't love to celebrate savings?!!! Join the Twitter...