Have you got your NFL-themed pet photos ready? Oliver got his shot this weekend and we just have Tanner left to finish up. You have time, so no worries. Not only time, you also have the #SuperDogPics Twitter Party during which you can pick up more tips.
Have you visited Dogtipper lately? Paris is amazing. She finds all these cool sites with great applications to deck out your photos. She's posted some truly unique stuff. My tips and Twitter party help, as well as posts about these events, are all in my left sidebar for you to peruse.
Today is particularly exciting for me because I get to do something I was not able to do last year--offer bloggers a chance at an extra payoff for participating. This giveaway is specifically for all you bloggers out there. So many of you showed up last year that you blew me away. Now I feel like I'm giving you more of a reason to join in than just the fun of seeing your photo.
Not only is this year's event supporting Petfinder Foundation by way of our sponsors' generous donations, but you get the benefit of joining in with a chance of scoring a prize for your photos. I'm so proud I could pop! (I think that's the way my mom used to say it!)
I'm not done yet! In addition to winning a prize for your photo submission, you also get entered, as a participating blogger, for an additional prize drawing from each of your hosts: Dogtipper and All Things Dog Blog. Be sure to thank our sponsors for making this possible.
Each of our blogs will be offering this prize, so you'll be entered at both simply by linking up to the February 5th Blog Hop and leaving your url here in the Rafflecopter entry form; this post will be linked in my sidebar for easy access. You can get extra entries with the Rafflecopter task list. HINT: You get the most points/entries for submitting a decked out Petfinder adoptable pet.
Both Paris and I look forward to sponsoring your ad on our sites, sharing a PetHub QR tag and gift card, as well as sending you a bag of Gringa Loka all-natural, Vegan, grain-free treats for your Fido. Thanks for joining us on February 5th. We open at 8:00 AM EST.
If the Rafflecopter entry form does not appear here, simply click on the title of the post and my blog will magically fetch if for you. One last note: This Rafflecopter is for bloggers only. Thanks for your understanding. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
For more details, please visit our Giveaway and Contest Rules for additional information. Thanks again for helping us raise money for Petfinder Foundation. Feel free to donate to their cause if you you wish, but it is not required to enter.
- Super Dog Sunday™ Photo Contest Returns
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