More #EBTweets Pre-Party Prize Fun
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© John Paul Pets Grooming Products |
It's time to add one more level of pre-party fun to our #EBTweets Twitter Party--the Rafflecopter prize! The winner of this drawing will snag a Grab Bag of grooming products from John Paul Pets for either a kitty or a dog--winner's choice! What's more, our winner is welcome to donate the bag to a rescue by providing a name, address and phone when contact is made after the party. Woo hoo!
We're giving you a bunch of entry options, but as always, you can pick and choose once you've done the mandatory entries on the front of the entry form. The rest will open up when these are completed.
You'll probably notice that a couple of the entries will get you into other drawings as well. No complaints about that, right? When you RSVP for the #EBTweets Twitter Party, you've taken one big step toward being eligible for RSVP drawing. All prizes will be announced at the party, beginning immediately at the start, so be sure to check in early and be ready when Sunday, May 27 arrives: 8:30 PM ET-10 PM ET.
Prize Eligibility: Everyone worldwide is welcome to join in #EBTweets for fun. Prizes are limited to U.S. and Canadian addresses. Prizes designated to a rescue by their winners may go only to U.S. rescues. Thank you for your understanding!a Rafflecopter giveaway
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