#EBTweets RSVPs Grow: Sign Up to Win Grab Bag Prize
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Pest Prevention Grab Bag for Cats or Dogs |
Oh my dog! I can't believe I have not announced the most obvious prize of all--the RSVP drawing
! Could there be any more ways to win?!!
Now there are 4 ways to win at the #EBTweets Twitter Party: RSVP, Tweet #EBTweets, enter the Rafflecopter drawing, and join us for the #EBTweets Twitter Party on May 27. Don't miss a single opportunity to win; these are all terrific prizes for your Woof or Meow, and the party prizes will be a whole new selection of fun stuff. See you there!
Event Barkers Announces #litterchat
by Carrie Boyko, CEB I know what you're thinking. Isn't this a dog blog? Don't get your skivvies in a tizzy. I'll be spending much of this party sharing tips for helping you and your dog adjust to a kitty in the home. Our many rescued...
#ebtweets Wraps Up A Fun Reunion Of Twitter Party Alumni
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Pet-Themed Shopping Bag with all the Great Loot Wowzer! Did we have fun tonight at #EBTweets! It was enjoyable seeing how many folks showed up that were present at our earlier Twitter Parties--#SafeHowlOween,...
Twitter Party Tips For Novices
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Oliver Needs to Upgrade his Equipment! Little by little you guys are getting the hang of this Twitter Party thing. I'm pretty impressed with what quick studies you are. Some of these tips below are...
#ebtweets Pretweeting Commences!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Dog Toys Grab Bag for One Lucky PreTweeterI have to admit that watching the PreTweets for our Twitter Parties has become a guilty pleasure for me. It's fun to sign into TweetReach and see who's Tweeting...
Rsvp For #ebtweets Twitter Party To Win Prizes!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB #EBTweets will share the mission and events of Event Barkers. Join us for loads of pet prizes, goodies for pet parents, charity packages and all the scoop on our upcoming Twitter Parties. We'll hash over our past parties and...