Let's Go Dog Parking!
Doctor's Dog Park Draws a Crowdof Regulars Every Weekend
Tanner and his Friends Enjoy a Game of Frisbee
So far Tanner can only catch a Frisbee when it is thrown TO him, but hopefully, we'll get there. I'd love to be able to throw it and watch him steamroll toward a big catch. It's fun to see others who can do that. Any tips?
Ginny and Her Housemates
Recently Enjoyed a Swim at the Lake
Thanks to Nancy for submitting Ginny's furry family photo. You might also enjoy Nancy's blog, Wayworm, as she is an avid dog lover also. I'd love to receive your dog park photos and include them here. You can send them to me at
[email protected].
Did You Know I Love Dogs? And Dog Parks!
I love wondering what they're smelling when they sniff a spot for a long time. Their noses are supposedly a million times more sensitive than ours. I think, if they could talk, they'd tell us that Midas was just at this spot. Where is Midas today?...
Dog Park Days
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko This Adorable Bulldog has just One Spot Centered on his Back My closest dog park is also my favorite. It has beautiful trees to provide welcome shade in Summer. My dogs love the grass--acres of it that gives them good purchase...
National Clean Dog Park Awareness Day
The first annual National Clean Dog Park Awareness Day brought out lots of canines and their families to my local dog park on March 22. Several of us walked the park and cleaned up left-behind piles and other trash. We left the park looking great, and...
Dog Park Fun Is Good For Everyone
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko Tanner is Greeted at the Dog Park There simply is nothing better than a good off-leash run at the dog park. For my guys, any dog park will do, just as long as they can be leash-free for a good run. Each of my 3 has their...
Photos, Please!
© photo copyright Carrie BoykoSmile for the Camera, Tanner!I am very excited to show off all of your canine best friends on my blog. I'd like to share their images while playing at America's dog parks. Those of us who worked so hard to get dog...