Doga Pose 13: Legs Up the Wall
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer
Who Knew this Pose Would Be So Amazing?!! |
You've got to look closely to see what I see. While Oliver is offering me a Play Bow, assuming I've come down to the floor to play with him, Tanner snuggles in for some serious bonding. He's got his right paw on my heart Chakra, the center for love, equilibrium and joy. And boy oh boy, am I joyful right now.
As I prepared to begin our first attempt at Legs Up the Wall, I was nervous. I thought for sure the dogs would be a little intimidated by seeing me more or less upside down. The camera caught Tanner's initial reaction, though, and clearly he was very interested and not at all frightened:
Mom's Feet are Way Up There ↑ |
I'm thankful that he wasn't frightened. I'm not sure where Oliver was, but he seemed virtually unaffected by his upside down Mom. If anything, he was quite happy that I'd joined him on the floor, and was easily encouraged to jump onto my tummy for a little belly rub fun: |
Oliver Onboard |
And there's yet another photo I'm dying to share--Oliver giving me that "So glad you joined me!" look. You know the one. Your dog does it too! |
So Glad You Joined Me, Mom
So, as you can see, the boys enjoyed this pose immensely. I hope you'll give it a try. I found it to be quite energizing, while relaxing at the same time. Sounds confusing, I know, but I love it. Let me know what you think. You can comment at this post, or leave your thoughts on @AllThingsDoga or on Facebook at All Things Doga or All Things Dog Blog.
Now, enjoy the video. As you'll discover, it's much easier than it might seem at first.
Our first 12 poses, published earlier, are at the following links, as well as at our dedicated Doga page. We hope you enjoy following along and that you'll offer your comments and ideas for incorporating your dogs easily and safely into your practice, either here or at our Facebook page where we can all support one another. The comment link is always open at the bottom of my posts where you can share your questions, thoughts and ideas on the poses and incorporating your dog. I'd love to hear from you! |

- Easy Seated Pose to Enjoy Dog Massage
- Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold with Fido
- Yoga Push Ups with Your Dog Companion
- Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog
- Downward Facing Dog
- Forward Fold with Fido
- Woofing Warrior I, Sun Salutation
- Woofing Warrior II, Sun Salutation
- Side Angle Pose with Fido
- Airplane Balancing Pose
- Child's Pose with Your Pooch
- Knees to the Chest
If you're like me and you just can't get enough of this stuff, check out my Doga Pinterest Board for photos of all sorts of dogs, people and their interesting versions of various poses. Some are good for a great laugh and others will help you determine how to use your dog in your practice. Enjoy and ....
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