Exercising Fido When You Can't Join In
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Oliver Keeps me Company |
Home from vacation, I'm grappling with more than just jet lag. After a minor scuffle with a scooter turned into more than just minor, I find myself stitched up, swollen, sore and worse yet--unable to walk the dogs. Ugh!
So here I am, gimpy and unable to do the one thing I talk about the most on this site--exercise my dog. It's time to get creative and use my mind to wear out Tanner and Oliver. Here's the plan. If you can add anything, please leave a comment or join in the conversation on our Facebook page. I'd love your help!- Start the day with a treat dispensing toy to make mealtime last longer
- Laser tag mid morning
- Fetch with soft toys at mid-day
- Mind stimulating puzzle toys on and off throughout the afternoon
- Practice the Call command on and off all day
- Train the Stay command in various locations as I get up and move
- Serve dinner in a scatter, giving each dog a room to play "go seek your food."
Too bad I can't train Tanner to bring me a drink from the kitchen. Better yet, I'd really like to get him to take Oliver on a walk around the yard. Tanner knows the boundaries and won't leave them, but Oliver always goes outside on a leash because of birds of prey in our area. Tethered to Tanner by a leash, Oliver would be quite safe from predators. Is there anyone out there that has tried something like this? What an interesting skill for a dog to learn. Maybe it's time to call on our trainers, huh?
© Carrie Boyko End of the Day Success--Sleepy Oliver |

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