Eco-Friendly Dog Sites
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Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET
(c) photo copyright 2009
Flower Child or Happy Hippie?
While surfing the web recently, I came upon Happy Hippie, which includes a directory of Eco Friendly pet products. That got me to thinking and off I went, charging all over the Internet searching for fun stuff for green dogs. Just look what I found:
- Shop Green Pets
- Great Green Pet
- Muttropolis (ya gotta love this name!)
- All Pet Furniture
- Green People (and their pets!)
- Annie's Sweatshop
- Natural Pet Market
- Gettin' Green
Okay. You get the idea. I'll quit there, but there ARE tons more. What was really fun was the adorable photos and artwork on these sites. If you're a pet lover, you'll enjoy clicking these links just for the fun of it. Enjoy a little shopping, if there is something your dog needs. Remember, it's good for the economy--your version of the economic stimulus plan! Have fun.
Keep in mind that the deadline for my photo contest is drawing near--just over 2 weeks. The field of competitors is growing. If you have a cute photo of your dog that you can share, please read the rules, and send it to You may be the big winner! Even if not, I'll try to use all the photos on the blog at some point. Thanks for participating.
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Dogs Help Build Awareness For Canine And Human Arthritis: Let The Voting Begin!
by Carrie Boyko "I'm Too Sexy for My Goggles!" Hello readers. You may remember my post, Surf Dog Ricochet Readies to Raise Arthritis Awareness. Tanner and Oliver are out to win Ricochet's photo contest--prizes will be passed along to you guys...
Facebook Users Love Dogbook
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET Social networks for dog lovers have been popping up all over the Internet. They each have their own twist. Facebook's version will likely have many of the others...
Keeping Dr. Jacki Busy!
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET Today's post is a great big thank you from me. It has been such a breath of fresh air to add Dr. Jacki to this blog. Particularly meaningful have been the letters that have...
Thank You Facebook Friends! Say Hello On Twitter....
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET All Things Dog Blog Thanks to all of you who have become my 'Fan' on Facebook. Little did I know, when I set up that experimental Facebook page, that so many new friends...
What Does Your License Plate Say? Dog Vanity Plates Are Making A Real Statement
Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter © photo copyright 2008 Carrie BoykoPut on Your Thinking Cap It's game time folks. A loyal reader has suggested a fun topic, and I am off to rush hour traffic to see if I can find some good ideas. Here's...