Doggie Inspiration Abounds
by Carrie BoykoHaving just returned from a blogging conference, I'm overflowing with inspiration and more ideas for sharing how to make your life with dogs a happy one.
One of the challenges at the conference was a request from Cesar Canine Cuisine to post a tidbit on the little gestures (#lovethemback) we dog lovers do to show our dogs how much we care. That's a no brainer for me, as many of you know I am all about exercising my pup's mind AND body to stimulate his brain, while helping him flush pent up energy.
Dogs were not intended to stay behind 4 walls each day and get tons of loving and attention. They need exercise, and this is my primary message. By using problem-solving toys, thinking games, various types of exercise and training, I try to keep the dogs' energy and hyperactive enthusiasm at a level that can be tolerated by even the most squeamish of visitors.
If you're looking for ways to exercise your dog that move out of the daily walk and into something a bit more stimulating, check out my blog, as well as Cesar Canine Cuisine's site for more ideas. Let's all get backpacking, biking, trail hiking, swimming, playing mind games, and learning new behaviors that make our home life more enjoyable.
Finally, as a result of this post, Cesar Canine Cuisine will be sending me a package of goodies to share with one of you, as a part of their #lovethemback promotion. I'll be posting more about this as we move through the Fall. My coffers are full from the conference and I am eager to get some contests and giveaways going. Are you ready to win some prizes?!! Stay tuned for more on all the free goodies coming your way.
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