It's Dog Lover Prize Time Again:
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Did You Win? Read on... |
Today's post is a twofer. You get the winner's name for the above prize, and the announcement for next week's giveaway all in one post. I'm overstocked and must make room for new products coming in, so next week's giveaway will help me clear out the warehouse (aka my kid's bedroom!).
Check out these 4 super fantastic prizes:
- Two winners--owners of toy-sized dogs--will get a 24-pack of assorted Cesar Cuisine gourmet dinners
- One winner--also an owner of a toy-sized dog--will snag a 22-pack (yeah; I know it sounds weird, but read on)
- Finally, I can't leave out my big dog buddies. After all, the gator in the warehouse (you know this is Florida, right?) was probably responsible for the missing cans in the carton of food that is prize #2! So, I guess it's time to get rid of this big boy. One lucky owner of a medium to large-sized dog will take home the Plush Puppies Large Gator toy made by Kyjen. This toy features a whopping 16 squeakers inside. Disclaimer: I do not supply earplugs or take responsibility for any hearing loss. Supervise your dog carefully while he plays with squeaker toys, and wear earplugs for your own protection.
To enter, you can comment here, on my Facebook page, or through a @Tweet. Don't forget to "Like" us on FB so you won't miss any big prize news, and follow us at Twitter too. To win, you MUST tell me about your dog--big or small? Large and Medium-sized dogs will go into the drawing for the gator toy. Toy-sized dogs get an entry for the Cesar Cuisine. After all, this gator is about 2 feet long--bigger than your average dog toy, by far. Do you want to see this fella?
© Carrie Boyko This Fella's Tail Hangs Down Another 6 Inches! |
The winner of this week's Dog Lover's Giftpack is "Cstironkat". I have no clue how to pronounce that, but fortunately he/she left contact information so I can get in touch. Congratulations!
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