Doga Pose 15: Corpse Pose Relaxation With Your Pup
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer
Doga Workout Ends Well |
Our Doga workout series is seemingly coming to an end today, but fear not; I don't intend to give this up just yet. Having grown to love this new way to stay in shape, the dogs and I have more in store for you. We've been listening to our readers and we'll be responding with a new series to include a variety of variations for each pose--easier than the originals for those of you who have asked for simpler ways to bond with your dogs while practicing yoga. Yay!
As I cool down, the dogs love having me join them on the floor. It's almost like having me at their level is their signal to join me. They come closer, want more touch and enjoy the affection that I dole out eagerly. Once again, Tanner places his paw on my heart Chakra. Do you suppose there is meaning in this for him? It definitely makes my heart flutter.
After some sweet talk, we all sort of drift off, the camera included. Just as well; you really don't want to catch me drooling. And for sure, Tanner would be dreaming that he's chasing a duck and the feet would be running as he whimpers, all the while snoozing happily. Yes! If you're completely relaxed at the end of your workout--Corpse Pose--your Doga practice has done its job. Your mind is clear and you are ready for another great day.
Enjoy our instructional video, taught by Jess with her furry friend, Nikki B. Make certain you watch for the point at which Nikki B. drops into a snooze. I love that she completely disappears between Jess's legs, clearly down for the count. Enjoy your nap, Nikki B. We've enjoyed watching you join Jess for Doga practice.
I hope you'll join me in saying a thank you to Jess and her dog for their hard work in sharing a starting point to practicing Doga: |
courtesy |
The practice of Yoga brings together the body, mind and spirit which comprises the whole person. Jess mentions the use of a Hand Mudra in the video and I'd like to offer you an article with some further information. A Mudra is a hand position that often accompanies a pose, mantra, chant, or meditation.
Each of the various mudras have their own meanings and benefits. Jess suggests moving your thoughts to love, compassion, or acceptance as a way of positively impacting your day. She demonstrates the Gyan Mudra in the video. According to the website I linked above, the Gyan Mudra is meant to symbolize and encourage Wisdom and Expansion. It is thought to help ease drowsiness, inspire creativity, and increase concentration.Our first 14 poses, published earlier, are at the following links, as well as at our dedicated Doga page. We hope you enjoy following along and that you'll offer your comments and ideas for incorporating your dogs easily and safely into your practice, either here or at our Facebook page where we can all support one another. The comment link is always open at the bottom of my posts where you can share your questions, thoughts and ideas on the poses and incorporating your dog. I'd love to hear from you! |

- Easy Seated Pose to Enjoy Dog Massage
- Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold with Fido
- Yoga Push Ups with Your Dog Companion
- Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog
- Downward Facing Dog
- Forward Fold with Fido
- Woofing Warrior I, Sun Salutation
- Woofing Warrior II, Sun Salutation
- Side Angle Pose with Fido
- Airplane Balancing Pose
- Child's Pose with Your Pooch
- Knees to the Chest
- Legs Up the Wall
- Reclining Queen
- Corpse Pose
If you're like me and you just can't get enough of this stuff, check out my Doga Pinterest Board for photos of all sorts of dogs, people and their interesting versions of various poses. Some are good for a great laugh and others will help you determine how to use your dog in your practice. I hope to see you again for a Weekly Wag bonding post, as well as our additional Doga work.
If you're new to Doga or Yoga, please be sure to do these three things: (1) Get your doctor's permission to start this or any other workout, (2) Check with your vet to make sure your dog is able to participate in simple Doga exercises safely, and (3) visit our introductory post where I've outlined a few tips that will help your experience go more smoothly and enjoyable. Keep in mind that you can always stop if a pose is uncomfortable, returning to a more relaxing pose for you.
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