Doga Pose 14: Reclining Queen Relaxes with Rover
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer
Cooling Down with the Dogs |
Working my way into a deeper cool down, I find myself talking softly to the dogs as they come close. Tanner leaned in listening carefully, his ears not quite as astute as Oliver's. The dogs seemed to understand that this Reclining Queen pose was just for us to relax into. I called Tanner my Rover Retriever and his ears perked momentarily. The boys do watch carefully for each and every indication of something they should act on. This time it's simply quiet introspection.
The Reclining Queen pose allows you to gently stretch your hips and open your chest as you wrap up your Yoga workout. To include your dog, simply call him to you and ask him to remain by your side, laying or sitting, as your talk to him or repeat a mantra.
Jess and Nikki B. found an interesting way to combine their bodies, so much so that Nikki B. disappears at the end. Enjoy this brief, educational video and be sure to leave a comment. We're dialing it down now. Watch for our last pose next week, but don't worry, Doga will not be gone.
Our follow up to this series will be to enhance what we have done so far. Watch for alternatives to the poses taught so far--ways to make them work for your tight muscles, complaining body parts, or balance challenges. By reachng out to fellow bloggers and participants, I've gotten a lot of feedback, and we'll be helping you to make your workout a little easier to navigate. Watch for more!
Our first 13 poses, published earlier, are at the following links, as well as at our dedicated Doga page located under the menu bar labeled Your Dog. We hope you enjoy following along and that you'll offer your comments and ideas for incorporating your dogs easily and safely into your practice, either here or at our Facebook page where we can all support one another. The comment link is always open at the bottom of my posts where you can share your questions, thoughts and ideas on the poses and incorporating your dog. I'd love to hear from you! |

- Easy Seated Pose to Enjoy Dog Massage
- Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold with Fido
- Yoga Push Ups with Your Dog Companion
- Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog
- Downward Facing Dog
- Forward Fold with Fido
- Woofing Warrior I, Sun Salutation
- Woofing Warrior II, Sun Salutation
- Side Angle Pose with Fido
- Airplane Balancing Pose
- Child's Pose with Your Pooch
- Knees to the Chest
- Legs Up the Wall
If you're like me and you just can't get enough of this stuff, check out my Doga Pinterest Board for photos of all sorts of dogs, people and their interesting versions of various poses. Some are good for a great laugh and others will help you determine how to use your dog in your practice. Enjoy and ....
If you're new to Doga or Yoga, please be sure to do these three things: (1) Get your doctor's permission to start this or any other workout, (2) Check with your vet to make sure your dog is able to participate in simple Doga exercises safely, and (3) visit our introductory post where I've outlined a few tips that will help your experience go more smoothly and enjoyable. Keep in mind that you can always stop if a pose is uncomfortable, returning to a more relaxing pose for you.
Doga Pose 13: Legs Up The Wall
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