Central Florida Green Guide Feature Story
West Orange Dog Park
Just a quickie here to let you know that Central Florida Green Guide just posted my second article, in a series of three, regarding visiting the dog park. If you're considering a dog park visit for the first time, I would encourage you to read Part I and Part II, and come back at the end of May for Part III. I'll be sure to note it here in my blog.
See you at the park!

Celebrating National Clean Dog Park Awareness Week: March 21-27
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog (c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko Tanner is Greeted by Park Guests What can one person do to make a difference? Here's a start: Visit...
Did You Know I Love Dogs? And Dog Parks!
I love wondering what they're smelling when they sniff a spot for a long time. Their noses are supposedly a million times more sensitive than ours. I think, if they could talk, they'd tell us that Midas was just at this spot. Where is Midas today?...
Molly Is Here To Help Introduce Her Favorite Charity
Tanner's Friend Molly Enjoys Her Pool Most people I know complain about the amount of email they get each day. I have to admit something. I get excited about reading mine. Reading my email lately has become my favorite part of the day, second only...
Dog Park Greetings
© photo copyright Carrie BoykoThis Brittany Spaniel Puppy Is Having His First Dog Park Visit © photo copyright Carrie Boyko Hi! I'm Handsome © photo copyright Carrie BoykoHey, You Up There!You're Too Big for the Bench.Oliver is Always Right...
National Clean Dog Park Awareness Day
The first annual National Clean Dog Park Awareness Day brought out lots of canines and their families to my local dog park on March 22. Several of us walked the park and cleaned up left-behind piles and other trash. We left the park looking great, and...