Dog Food Thief Caught;To be Shipped Out Soon!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko The Thief has Been Caught! |
This gigantic, squeaker-embellished Gator toy has certainly been of interest to my readers, especially after he appeared hanging from my computer screen last week. Luckily I snapped a shot before he slipped away. Tanner claims he was responsible for the catch, but all I know is that he ended up here on my table, staring me down from atop the other prizes. Hmmm....
There's a lot to announce today, so let's get down to business:
- The two 24-packs of Cesar Cuisine go to: Lauren (with the Mini Schnauzer) and Richa.
- The 22-pack of Cesar Cuisine goes to Patti S.
- And the winner of the loud, obnoxious, over-sized monster on my kitchen table is now the prized possession of Rubiegem. Congratulations, and may you both be very happy.
And I repeat my disclaimer: I do not provide earplugs, nor do I take responsibility for hearing loss. Supervise your dog while he plays with squeaker toys, and remove squeakers when they become exposed or fall out. Wear earplugs for your own protection. Best wishes!
I will notify winners if contact information has been left. Winners should send their address to me at [email protected]. Shipments go out within one week after receipt of address.
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