Bissell Pet Vacuum Winner Earns Great New Solution to Fur Problems
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Sorry, Tanner. It's Not a Toy. |
The cat fight for a hand vac prize is now over. A winner has been chosen from comments, Facebook conversations, emails and photos. Thank you all for your participation and interest. I love my new Pet Fur Eraser, and have enjoyed using it to clean my Prius of Tanner and Oliver's shedding. It's great for picking up Patches deposits on her favorite napping spots also. Today, I get to award one to Arlene D'Urso, an All Things Dog Blog Facebook fan who has a houseful of furry friends. She sounds like the perfect recipient, don't you think?!!
For those of you have entered--and not yet won--a drawing here at All Things Dog Blog, fret not. All entries stay in the bucket until drawn, so you could win something next week, next month, or even next year. Keep reading and entering!
There's more good news. I've added another way for you to enter my drawings. If you are not an email subscriber, you can receive my posts FREE of charge via email each day that I post. It's a nice way to keep up with my articles, and will also get you an entry into the drawing bucket.
I do want to remind you, however, that you may want to pop in to the blog now and then to see what's new in the sidebar. I'm always changing things up, adding new resources and bringing on new sponsors. This little blog is on the move. I hope you'll continue to join me for 2011 expansion and lots more great dog content.
If you didn't win the vacuum, and your heart was set on it, you can still order one here:

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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