#Gamma2Fresh Twitter Party Prep
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Vittles Vault Jr. Perfect for Small Pets & Travel |
Tracking down our winners after a Twitter Party has proven to be more of a challenge than you would think. Getting your follows is how we find you to collect addresses for shipment. Today's Rafflecopter entry form focuses on dealing with this problem so that we can be sure to locate each winner and get their prize to them. :) That's always a good thing.
Rafflecopter has proven to be our best solution for this challenge. Not only do we get more information we need to help you get your prizes, but you get another chance to win. Win what, you ask? A Gamma2 pet food container, of course!
So jump right into this Rafflecopter and help us and yourself out. See you June 10 for the party.
If you don't see the Rafflecopter entry form at the bottom of the post, simply click on the post title to refresh and it will appear below. Good luck everyone!
Prizes for the #Gamma2Fresh Twitter Party and pre-party giveaways are all provided by Gamma2 as a promotional opportunity. Event Barkers has a business arrangement to promote their products in this event. a Rafflecopter giveaway
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