Winners' Announcements!

Winners' Announcements!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Prize announcements are late today. What can say; things happen. I'm going to get right to it since I'm just barely within  my own self-imposed deadline. Shall we start with the Woofing Wearables?

Yes! An interesting place to start. The FURdry from Furminator was very popular, with the adorable holiday dress lagging behind, but garnering some interest. Unfortunately the little green shirt didn't get a single entry, so it will go unawarded. Maybe next time I offer it, we'll find it a home?

The FUR dry is now the proud possession of Nancy and Molimo, who will no longer be leaving wet spots all over the house. Shelley J. will get the precious little dress, and I'm asking, no.....pleading for a photo. I'm secretly wishing I had a girl dog for that dress!

The Thai dog-themed sling bags will be going home with Gina B., Anna G. and Shelley P. Ladies, you won't find these bags anywhere else in the U.S. I bought them myself, while on vacation in Thailand, where they were being hand made by a sweet young lady in a market.  Consider yourselves lucky; 824 visitors checked out the post since it published less than 2 weeks ago and you 3 were the chosen ones. Congrats!

Children's books were also popular during my vacation, as more than 500 visited the giveaway for 2 batches of 4 kids' dog books. The winners are Alex W. and Christina J. Along with everyone in today's giveaways, you'll get an email tomorrow from [email protected]. Watch for it  just in case it happens to find your spam box.

There was also a group of dog lover giftbooks given away in singles. These are each fun books and will also make great gifts for your dog loving friends and family. Winners are Olivia R., Lori M. and Cstironkat.

Moving on to the water bottles for you and fido, the gods have bestowed these prizes on Cynth201 and Shilosmom. Start planning your next hike. All prizes will be shipped next week. Now all you need is my recipe for trail mix for Fido. You'll find it at this link.

Cleaning out all my assorted treats is proving to be an easy task, giving them away in batches so I can spread the love. The three winners from this giveaway are Amy O., Rick W., and Dealbunny. Oliver has been keeping his eyes on this batch of yummies so no worries. They're safe. I think even Oliver finally realizes he can't eat everything that comes through the door. :)

I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow with my Saturday Pet Blogger post. Stop in and find out what's interesting this week with my blog and all the rest of the pet blogger world. It's an interesting bunch for sure. When you've finished reading this post, let me know what you thought about my vacation planning. Although you didn't get posts, you got lots of giveaways to jump into. I know that's not what everyone is looking for, but sometimes a blogger needs to take some time off, just like everyone else.

I'll be running another week-long giveaway bonanza between Christmas and New Years. Drop and in and check it out. And of course, Fido's Freebie Friday will continue to be open each week. Check it out now and find out what some of my friends have waiting. Thanks for checking in. Sorry again for my late report. Happy tails!

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