Why Do Diets Fail? The Key to Weight Loss

Why Do Diets Fail? The Key to Weight Loss

Creating a diet plan is not difficult, all you need is a bit of common sense: eat healthy food, weigh your food, count your calories and train several hours a day. The problem? It simply doesn't work. It never did and never will. With so many people trying those diets and failing, it is time to stop blaming them (how can so many people be wrong?) and start looking at the real problem: the diets themselves.

Disclaimer: this article is NOT asking you to lose weight, simply helping you if you want to lose weight. Some of you are fine the way you are, don't let the media with their "the slimmer, the better" motto get to you.

Warning: before starting a diet, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

Traditional Diets Failures

1. Too Demanding

Most diets ask people to do things that even slim people don't do! Do you know any slim people weighing their food, counting their calories or even training several hours a day? How fair is it then to demand it from fat people?

2. Failing to Take into Account People's Background

If someone is fat, it is generally because this person:

How smart can it be to ask this person to:

Weighing food and counting calories will eventually make this person more and more hungry (less calories means either less food or food that this person likes less, which also leads to less food). Being hungry, feeling guilty about the food are the biggest risks to reach for snacks, chocolate bars and others when stressed (at work, etc...) or feeling sad (problems with boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife...).

Finally, following such diets is like trying to eat 50% of what you were eating all of a sudden. How can that work?

3. All about Results

In the TV show "The Biggest Loser", it is interesting to see how surprised people are (both trainers and participants) when one participant does not lose weight after one week of hard training and eating healthy food. Maybe they are a bit nave or maybe they want to give the impression it is unheard of (despite the many seasons where it happened). Your body is the result of MANY things and you should not demand results from it. For example, training a lot will make you lose fat but you will gain muscles, so your weight may not go down as much as you expect it. Psychology is also having some influence on your body. So, focussing on results per day or even per week is NOT the way to go. Give your body time to show the results of your efforts.

Source: Wikipedia.org

The Key to Weight Loss

It is not a secret to anyone, the key to success is thinking in the long run. If you think you are starting a diet, it is already a mistake, since diets are temporary, short time programs. If you really want to lose weight, you need to think about changing your life, so that a NORMAL day outside any diets is one better for your health. Scary? No, it is not, because you don't need to change everything from day one to day two. Changing it little by little is fine and actually recommended.

1. Why It Can Work

What is important is that you make changes that you can bare on an everyday basis, ie don't eat 50% less because this is for sure not something you can do on a long term, at least all of a sudden. If you want to eat less, at least less calories, reduce it slowly by slowly. For example, eat 90% of what you used to (in terms of calories), then reduce it to 80%. If you feel it is hard go back to 85% etc... Remember, you are the one to decide here. If you feel you can reduce to 70% directly, do it. If you are a challenge type of person it may work. But again, don't think about it as a diet. It is not a diet for the next 6 months. It is a life change. From now on, this is what you are going to do, eat etc...

2. Easy Steps

Some steps are hard, some are easy. Here are some that can be easy:

Source: Wikipedia.org

3. Eating Between the Meals

If you often eat between meals, stop counting calories and weighing your food and start eating more during the meals IMMEDIATELY. Snacks, chocolate bars, being hungry all the time because you are on a diet are your worse enemies. Eat more during meals, especially rice, pasta, vegetables, salad. Eat more starters and main dishes and less desserts. Again those are proportion. Don't stop desserts all of a sudden. Reduce it on a proportion that is acceptable for you. When you see you are fine eating less desserts, you may be able to reduce even more later.

If you really don't have the choice, try to kill your between-the-meal hunger with fresh fruits and vegetables. Going from carrot sticks (not cream/sauce, please) to an apple or a banana, you can eat things a bit healthier than chocolate bars and not necessarily less tasty.

4. Temptations and Motivation

Everyday life is full of temptations. Fast food everywhere, people eating around you, stress, ... You need to be strong to maintain a high quality lifestyle. But remember it is your health which is at stake!

If the temptation is coming from your family and close friends, ask them to show some understanding and support. They need to understand that it does not help you if they eat big cakes in front of you and that supporting you will help you a lot to meet your goal.

If you need some more motivation, you could actually use some internet resources. Support groups, inspirational videos... Even TV shows like "The Biggest Loser" can help. If you need motivation to run, you could get an iPad mount for treadmill.

For people with diabetes risks, a nice product to keep your motivation high is aglucose monitoring device. Portable, easy to use and gives you the result very fast.

5. Results

Don't be too harsh/severe with yourself. The aim is not to lose 50% of your weight in 5 weeks. The aim is to change your lifestyle so that you health is getting better. The simple fact you are stopping gaining weight is a victory.

6. Miracle Products

Secret tips: people who managed to lose weight are happy about it and would share it, so why would these tips be secret?

Miracle products to lose weight: this is so wrong. Not only because they do not exist but because even if it was the case it would not be the solution. Compare it to a boat flooded with water because of a hole. What is the solution? Removing the water again and again or fixing the hole? If a miracle product existed, it would be only nice to use it once anyway and you would still need to change your lifestyle to keep up your new weight after that. So if you are not able to change your lifestyle, don't even think about this miracle product in the first place.


I really hope this article motivated you and will help you if you decide to go for a life change. If it did I will be really happy to hear from you. You need to register here to post a comment but it will make me very happy.

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