What Not to Feed Dogs

What Not to Feed Dogs

When you get a dog or a puppy home, taking care of it is one huge responsibility since you are now the dog owner. Some of the most important aspects about dog care are hygiene, health and food. Since food is the basic necessity of every living being, it is often advised to make sure which foodstuffs are healthy and which are not. Dogs are very playful pets and they love to eat a morsel from their owners plate. Sometimes foods that are healthy for us can be harmful for dogs as they have a very different digestive system and need a large amount of protein for their health. If you've just bought one and are confused about what not to feed dogs, read on to know all about it in the following paragraphs.

Dogs Foods to Avoid

Many dog owners don't see the threats of feeding their dogs with hazardous food as they think it builds up the dogs strength and immunity. They often fail to understand the major difference in the body and health types between humans and animals and treat the dog as one of them. This can cause very harmful situations in the dog's metabolism and sometimes even prove fatal. Given below are some foods that should be strictly avoided while feeding your dog.

Vegetarian Food

There are many vegetables and fruits which every dog owner should be aware of not feeding their dogs. Onions are one such vegetable that can cause sever cases of hemolytic anemia in which the blood fails to carry enough oxygen throughout the dog's body. Grapes and raisins can result in damaging kidneys and can prove fatal if consumed in a large amount. Dry fruits like walnuts cause stomach problems and some can also cause seizures. Green parts of potatoes and tomatoes can lead to problems in many body systems and prove unhealthy.

Peaches and plums can cause obstruction of the digestive system. Salt can cause electrolyte imbalances in the body. Sugary foods like candy and cakes with Xylitol also can cause obesity and other dental problems. Dough which is yeast fermented should also be avoided as it can cause production of gas in the digestive system and cause pain leading to ruptures of the intestines. Mushrooms contain toxins that can affect multiple body systems and cause shock leading to death. Keep you dogs completely away from moldy and spoiled food garbage as that can cause instant vomiting, infections and diarrhea giving rise to poisoning in the body. Cocoa, coffee, tea, and chocolate flavored drinks are also included as they contain theobromine and theophylline which are toxic and affect the heart and nervous systems of the animal.

Non-vegetarian Food

You should avoid many non vegetarian foods like bones from fish, poultry and other meat sources as well as they can cause choking or obstruction of the digestive system. Fat trimmings can cause pancreatitis in dogs and are also included. Large amounts of liver can cause Vitamin A toxicity in them which can affect the muscles and bones in their body. Milk and other dairy products should be given in limited amounts especially to growing pups as they need the nutrients. But if they do not have enough amounts of lactase enzyme that breaks the lactose in milk, even a little amount of milk can cause diarrhea and intolerance. Lactose free milk products are a good option in such cases.

Raw eggs and raw fish can lead to many problems like skin and hair coat diseases, loss of appetite, seizures and many a time even death. Cat food is also included in what foods not to feed dogs as they are very high in protein and many times cannot be digested by dogs. Other harmful and strict foods to be avoided are alcoholic beverages which can cause instant death. Marijuana is also something that no dog owner can feed his dog. Pesticides are also harmful chemicals that should be avoided if you're letting your dog out in the garden at nights. You have to be careful about what your dog eats as being responsible for a life is not a meager thing.

With those foods to avoid, I am sure you're no more confused! So get the right foods and keep your dog happy and healthy.

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