Dog Nutrition - 12 Human Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat and the Reasons Why They Are Dangerous

Dog Nutrition - 12 Human Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat and the Reasons Why They Are Dangerous

 In a world where there has been a pet food recall, some dog owners feel they want to make their own dog food. This is a great idea because you know exactly what is going in your dog's tummy. But do you know what foods are actually dangerous for Fido? Let me list the most dangerous and also tell you WHY they shouldn't be eaten so you can save yourself from unnecessary Vet bills or something we don't even want to think about...the death of your beloved pet.

1. Chocolate: This means ALL chocolate even though the high cocoa content chocolate and Baker's chocolate are the most toxic. To reach toxicity you only need 2 baking squares for a 10lb dog, 4 baking squares for a 20 lb dog, etc. It contains theobromine which is a diuretic and cardiac stimulant.

Side Effects: vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, seizures, increased drinking and urinating and even death.

2. Alcohol: If you think it's funny to watch your dog get intoxicated, think again. You can cause Fido to go into cardiac arrest and die. Not so funny anymore, now is it. They can't handle alcohol and it only takes a small amount to get them intoxicated.

Side Effects: depression, excessive urination, excitement, slowed breathing rate and cardiac arrest which can lead to death.

3. Fatty Foods: Yes, you know them well because you probably eat them yourself and know how bad they are for YOU. Gravies, bacon, high fat snacks, etc. can all be fatal in some dogs.

Side Effects: severe gastrointestinal distress and something called Pancreatitis which can be fatal.

4. Raisins and Grapes: This is one of those foods where the toxin is not known yet but is extremely dangerous and there is NO treatment for it.

Side Effect: acute kidney failure. It only takes as little as 6 grapes and raisins.

5. Potato Peelings and Tomato Leaves & Stems: These both contain a toxic alkaloid called solanine.

Side Effect: severe gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weakness, dilated pupils, damage to the central nervous system and slower heart rate.

6. Avocado: This fruit contains a toxin principle called PERSIN. It's also in the leaves, the seeds and the bark. All avocados have the potential to be toxic for dog's however, the variety from Guatemala is the most toxic.

Side Effects: diarrhea, vomiting and gastrointestinal distress.

7. Macadamia Nuts: The toxin in these nuts is unknown, it only takes a small number of nuts and even the butter in them to make it toxic for your dog.

Side Effects: affects their nervous system, digestive track and their muscles.

8. Coffee: Contains dangerous components called xanthenes.

Side Effects: urinary damage, heart muscle stimulation and damage to their nervous system.

9. Peaches, Cherries, Plums, Apples and Apricots: The fruit itself is fine. It's the leaves, stems and seeds that contain a cyanide compound. Large amounts of them are toxic.

Side Effects: hyperventilation, dilated pupils, breathing difficulties and shock.

10. Xylitol: This is an artificial sweetener that is found in SUGAR FREE products like gum, candy, etc.

Side Effects: sudden drop in blood sugar and seizures.

11. Onions: Thiosulphate is the toxin in onions. This goes for onion powder as well. One good thing about this is that they will eventually recover from this toxin when it leaves their body.

Side Effect: Extreme anemia. (as little as one small onion can cause this)

12. Yeast dough: Believe it or not if your dog swallows yeast dough it will rise in his stomach and it will end up being very painful for them.

Side Effects: Severe gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, diarrhea and bloating.
Please use common sense when it comes to feeding your dog and if he accidentally eats any of the above foods, get to your Vet immediately. Getting there in time can save your dog's life.

Article Source: 

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