We Can't Waitto Meet You at Blogpaws!

We Can't Waitto Meet You at Blogpaws!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© A. Boyko
Meet Carrie and Oliver
We'll Both Be at Blogpaws 2011
This past several months since the Blogpaws Conference has been a revelation for me. I've found All Things Dog Blog's niche and my voice, with more clarity than I envisioned before the event. I'm truly looking forward to this year's conference, especially since my sidekick, Oliver, will be tagging along. We'll be looking to meet more bloggers, enjoy the Pet Park, and immerse ourselves in all that Blogpaws has to offer. 

So, if you see me there, introduce yourself. I'll be the tall one--I stand out in a crowd--with the Papillon that wants to meet everyone. His name is Oliver and he's a social butterfly, just as his breed name's meaning--the yang to my yin. That would make him my PR director, I suppose. 

Do you think I can put Oliver on the payroll? Nah! He thinks he's coming to represent 5 Minutes for Fido. See you in Tyson's Corner in August.
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