Mutt Monday Takes Blogpaws Questions

Mutt Monday Takes Blogpaws Questions

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
With Blogpaws approaching soon, lots of pet bloggers are chatting about this pet industry event. I'm sure you have questions and want to know more. I've linked up lots of my previous posts that were Blogpaws related, and hope that some of my fellow bloggers will join me in sharing their posts about this event.

I'm looking forward to getting away and having a chance to catch up with old friends and new at this conference that is designed to help pet bloggers connect among themselves and with brands. I'll be catching up with sponsors such as  Natural Balance and hopefully making contacts with new ones.

I also look forward to joining in break out sessions about all sorts of social media topics, seeing performances and enjoying meals with the attendees--always a great time to network. Me and my furry sidekick will also be taking in a little cultural trip down the Potomac to view the monuments. We're looking forward to this great photo opportunity.

I'd love to answer your questions about Blogpaws. What would you like to know? Leave a comment and I'll stay on top of these and answer daily. Thanks for your participation. Feel free to let others know by clicking on this Tweet:

Next week's Mutt Monday theme will be:
Favorite Outdoor Activities for Spring
I suppose Spring is very different depending on where you are, so my Spring offers may look more like your Summer ones. Enjoy our posts for what they are--inspiration. And before you sign off, drop in at 5 Minutes for Fido, where Oliver has some of his own Blogpaws news!

Happy tails,

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