Violent Activism - Right or Wrong?

Violent Activism - Right or Wrong?

Just came across this report, which got me thinking.... in our eagerness and desire to fight for the rights of the abused and tortured animals, how far should we take it? Is violence inevitable? Is it a road that peaceful animal lovers should never consider? Or is it a must if we want to see results fast!? Does the ends justify the means? Are we giving the perpetrators a taste of their own medicine? Or are we just stooping down to their level?

What do you think?
Should violence be an option that we will have to consider sooner or later?
Or should all violence be condemned, as 'an eye for an eye' will make the whole world go blind?

I found a very interesting cartoon which serves well to illustrate what I'm trying to say, but I can't afford to pay for it in order to display it without violating copyright laws. But you can view it legally here.

Hope to hear your views and comments...

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