California Introduces Animal Abuser Registry Bill with Help of ALDF

California Introduces Animal Abuser Registry Bill with Help of ALDF

Thanks to Elliot Greenberger, Communications Manager of See3 Communications, for highlighting this to SAA.

Well well, well done I say! Its about time someone do something about this! History has shown that if someone is caught abusing an animal, he/she will likely do it again, and again, and again. Worse, they may be having some kind of mental disorder which can lead to violence or anti-social behavior against people, too. Would you allow a seemingly decent looking guy next door to play with your kids if you knew that he had shot two dogs point blank in the face before? No? Do you think a person with a known record of child abuse will be allowed to adopt a kid? No? Then why should a known animal abuser be any different? Without any legislated registry to keep these people in check, they could just walk in to any pet shop or animal shelter, bring back a few cats and dogs, and abuse however they want! (Read sample cases below). Good job ALDF, let's hope more state government will follow California's example, keep it going! Now, this is where YOU come in! You can help push for your local government to follow California's lead to do the same. Find out more at

The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) today launched an effort to help states establish public registries of anyone convicted of animal abuse. According to ALDF, such registries would protect animals, pet guardians and communities by preventing repeat offenses from anyone with a known history of abusing animals. This could include violence (torture, mutilation, intentional killings, etc.), sexual abuse, and animal fighting as well as neglect (such as hoarding).

Through its new campaign,, ALDF is promoting model legislation that could be enacted in state legislatures. Such bills have been introduced in the past by elected officials in Rhode Island, Colorado, and Tennessee.

Today, the first-ever bill for a statewide registry in California was announced by its sponsor, State Senator Dean Florez. “We operate shelters in the hopes of giving abandoned pets a second chance at a loving home, not subjecting them to lives of continued abuse and neglect,” Florez said. “A registry of abusers would help ensure animals are not being adopted out to convicted abusers, end the cycle of abuse and increase the likelihood of finding these pets the forever home they deserve.”

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ALDF points to the following examples for why a registry is needed to help animal guardians, law enforcement and shelters protect their animals:

* Robert Rydzewski: In 2004, the then 29-year-old upstate New Yorker shot his neighbor’s dog in the face twice. Two months later, he killed another neighbor’s Welsh Corgi with an ax. Rydzewski was convicted of “torturing or injuring” an animal, and he has since been arrested for assaulting people and resisting arrest. His whereabouts are unknown.

* Shon Rahrig: While living in Ohio in 1999, Rahrig allegedly adopted several cats and a puppy from local shelters and tortured them sadistically. He poked out the eyes of a cat named Misty, broke her legs and jaw, cut off her paws, and left her bleeding in a laundry basket .His girlfriend turned him in, and he took a plea bargain that admitted abuse of only one animal. Rahrig was forbidden to own an animal for five years, but he was subsequently seen at an adoption event in California.

* Vikki Kittles: Since 1982, Kittles has been run out of four states for hoarding animals. Time and again, she has been caught housing dozens of sick, neglected animals in squalid conditions. Oregon prosecutors convicted Kittles in 1993 after finding 115 sick and dying dogs crammed into a school bus, but she has gone on to hoard animals again in Oregon and other states several times since.

About the Animal Legal Defense Fund
ALDF was founded in 1979 with the unique mission of protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system. Visit

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