Twitter Party Tips for #SuperDogPics

Twitter Party Tips for #SuperDogPics

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
How Do I Win Treats?

No; you're not alone. Paris and I get lots of questions about how Twitter Parties work, who to follow, how to keep up and much more. Today's post is full of fun facts for making sure your #SuperDogPics experience is, well, Super!

I'll start first with general party tips that have nothing to do with which Twitter interface you choose to use:

Twitter #Discover Page for #SuperDogPics

If you're using Twitter's own interface, these tips are for you. Check below for Hootsuite and Tweetchat tips:
If you're using, the party is as easy as 2 steps:
  • Click "Add a Stream" in the upper left corner of your screen.
  • In the popup box click the "Search" tab and enter the party hashtag, #SuperDogPics, in the box.
  • Hootsuite will create a Stream for your hashtag and place it at the far right. You can move it anywhere you like, simply by grabbing it with your cursor at the top section and dragging wherever you wish.
  • Each Stream in Hootsuite has its own refresh button, so you can refresh your party stream as slowly or quickly as you need.
Prefer Here's the method:

Feeling adventurous? Try after you have mastered Hootsuite. It gets a bit more detailed and is not quite as intuitive, but does have some useful features if you're really into the details of the event. 

Insert this link into a url line. Login by allowing the app to use Twitter. This is a basic #SuperDogPics party setup. You need to enter your own handle in the right-hand column and click search to complete the layout. 

Let us know what you think  about all these party venues after the party. Just leave a comment below. Which method do you prefer? Why?

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